Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Job Fit free essay sample

Organizations face this critical problem which is mainly †Weak Job Fitl whereby personal skills are not well considered while hiring. Even after realizing this misfit its never admitted but both the employees and the managements try to manipulate and rise up any reasons which affects the firm productivity and effectiveness indirectly Pensee Esmat Page 6 1. 2 Problem statement: How can weak Person-Job fit affect the firm culture and efficiency negatively? 1. 3 Purpose of the study: Mainly to generate more knowledge and understanding of the weak PersonJob fit phenomena and to build theories based on its results. We need to show in this esearch the strong effect of the proper Person-Job fit and its support in managing the personal expectations and the company targets and plans following its own strategy. Human capital is one of the company assets which requires efforts to maximize its benefits by enhancing the relation between the personal and his Job duties trying to attract his attention, loyalty, love and extreme devotion which positively affects the company internal culture and external image, moreover supports in increasing its success (more market share, high profits, minimum turn over, high competences. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Fit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . tc). . 4 Research Questions What are the main reasons for positions misfit? What are the main consequences of this phenomenon? How to avoid its occurrence and lower its consequences? 1. 5 Theoretical framework: page 7 None matched caliber And / or Less efficiency Lower production Non clear Job profile Improper internal culture Negative external image Fig 1. 1 Theoratical framework Page 8 22. 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review Introduction: The Person-Job fit consequences problem will be highlighted and analyzed via previous efforts done by other researchers and by studying and surveying existing ases. Most of the previous researches focused on the Job satisfaction reasons and its strong relation with the caliber fitness to the dedicated and assigned Job description. In addition to the negative effect on the organization productivity and effectiveness. Some other researches focused on how to optimize personal Job fit to their existing position or use Job rotation and position transfer for the sake of organization development. 2. 2 Terminologies definitions: Person Job fit involves the measurement of the information about a candidates suitability for the tasks that are equired for successful performance of a specific Job. It includes things such as a candidates specific skills, their levels of knowledge about specific subject matter, and their cognitive abilities. Person Organization fit is the congruence of an individuals beliefs and values with the culture, norms, and values of an organization. Job Satisfaction, it means the employee and employer Page 9 satisfaction mutually, each gives and take what is expected. Organization required to produce it. Performance, Accomplishment of a given task measured against preset standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. KPI (Key Performance Indicators) KPIs are figures and standards that show the progress (or lack of it) toward realizing the firms objectives or strategic plans by monitoring activities which (if not properly performed) would likely cause severe losses or outright failure. Phenomena, An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses. Vocational satisfaction, Job satisfaction. 2. 3 Person-Job fit and its relation with Job satisfaction: It had been proven via many studies that Person-Job fit affects the person Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction provides a measure of Job-specific ffect, whereas career satisfaction represents an individuals feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with an entire career. Our usage of the term _career follows Hall (1976, 4), viewing a career as the entirety of _work-related experiences and activities over the span of a persons life. Holland (1996) argued that vocational satisfaction, stability and achievement depend on the congruence between ones personality and the environment in Pensee Esmat Page 10 which one works. Fit or congruence may be realized when the behavioral expectations of a work role synchronize with the behavioral inclinations of a articular personality type. If, for example, an extraverted individual finds outlets for his/her expressive nature in the customer contact aspects of sales work, _congruence, as defined by Holland, has been achieved. The Holland model had established that personality is the single most important factor in Job choice, Job satisfaction and long term career success.

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