Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Pride and Prejudice Plot Essay Example for Free

Pride and Prejudice Plot Essay Elizabeth Bennet gets two recommendations; one from Mr Collins and one from Mr Darcy. Mr Collins was a tall and overwhelming looking man of a quarter century. Despite the fact that he was gracious and polite he was likewise pretentious and had a self-expanded conscience. He generally gave ceaseless addresses about nothing and exhausted everybody to death. Mr Collins complimented everybody continually except once in a while improperly. He asked to know which of his reasonable cousins the greatness of its cooking was owed. - By this, Mrs Bennet was insulted and guaranteed him they were in actuality ready to keep a decent cook. This indicated his absence of judgment in when to praise. He was additionally very foolish and Mr Bennets mockery frequently went totally unnoticed. For instance, on page 54, Mr Bennet inquired as to whether his adulations were readied and Mr Collins conceded that occasionally he would consider them for his beguilement! Woman Catherine de Bourgh who was his patroness utilized him. He cowered to her continually as she paid his direction; as a result of her, he was center/privileged. He was a priest at Hunsford close Rosings, Lady Catherine de Bourghs home. At the point when Mr Bennet bites the dust, Mr Collins will acquire Longburn, as Mr Bennet can't go out to his better half; ladies couldnt acquire. In Mr Collins letter, he proposes to make harmony with the family. Mr Darcy then again was awesome looking. He before long drew the consideration of the room by his fine tall individual, attractive highlights, honorable aura He is likewise portrayed as a fine figure of a man. Be that as it may, he was destined to be found to be pleased over his organization. He was shrewd, and yet he was haughty, saved and exacting. He claimed Pemberly Estate and got one thousand per year. - He was privileged and he knew it; He had seen an assortment of individuals in whom there was little excellence and no style for none of whom he had felt the littlest intrigue. Darcy and Bingley had a decent companionship regardless of numerous distinctions. Bingley made certain of being enjoyed any place he showed up; Darcy was ceaselessly giving offense. Darcy had no comical inclination and let it out. He couldnt see the clever side of life while Bingley was carefree and gotten a kick out of the chance to appreciate all that he did. In the past Wickam and Darcy had a difference. Mr Darcys father had guaranteed Wickam a spot in the congregation however when he passed on Darcy wouldn't support him. Mr Collins first insights on his tentative arrangements in quite a while letter to the Bennets when he composes; I can't be in any case than worried at the methods for harming your affable girls, and ask leave to apologize for it, just as to guarantee you of my status to make them each conceivable revises. On the principal day of remaining at Longburn, he, in a discussion to Mrs Bennet said; I can guarantee the youngsters that I come arranged to appreciate them. - Here he gave Mrs Bennet a little look at his aims. Jane Austin at that point parted with it saying that presently having a decent house and pay; Mr Collins was in need of a spouse. He was likewise satisfying Catherine de Bourgh who figured he ought to wed. So for the primary night Jane was the settled decision being the oldest, yet the prettiest - this was, until he was educated by Mrs Bennet that she was destined to be locked in to Bingley (embellishment). At that point at the Netherfield Ball he asked Lizzy to move a few times and she understood she was the divinely selected individual out of the five sisters. Mr Darcy then again was a long way from appreciating Lizzy from the outset and when Mr Bingley proposed he hit the dance floor with her at the Meryton Ball he answered that he had not minimal goal of moving. - Bingley was hitting the dance floor with the main gorgeous young lady in the room. Here he was alluding to Jane. He said Lizzy was fair, yet not attractive enough to entice me. At that point at Sir William Lucass party, William attempted to combine up both of them and Darcy didn't avoid, however Lizzy dismissed him with; I have not minimal aim of moving. - this was take care of. It was at this gathering Darcy understood his actual affections for her. At Netherfield when Jane went to remain, she became sick and Lizzy being concerned dropped by. Here, she saw that Darcy was continually watching her. Miss Bingley who subtly loved Darcy, in observing that he was attracted to Lizzy attempted to turn him against her. Be that as it may, all futile, for whatever she stated, he simply stood up for Elizabeth. Miss Bingley, in Mr Darcys protecting her said; I am apprehensive Mr Darcy that this experience has rather influenced your appreciation for her fine eyes. I think when she says this shes half-prodding and half envious of him preferring her. Before proposing, Mr Collins said to Mrs Bennet, May I trust madam, for your enthusiasm with your reasonable girl Elizabeth, when I request for the respect of a private crowd with her over the span of toward the beginning of today? - Here, he was essentially asking Mrs Bennets authorization to propose. He at that point propelled straight into his discourse. Mr Darcy dropped by Lizzy and from the start made light discussion, getting some information about her wellbeing. At that point there was an unbalanced quiet where he more likely than not been attempting to consider how to begin before continuing. - Differences are now appearing on the other side. Mr Collins originally said hed picked Lizzy nearly when hed met her (which was a falsehood) and proceeded to determine his purposes behind wedding her. He, as a pastor needed to set a guide to the remainder of the area, he figured it would make his glad and he was following Lady Catherine de Bourghs counsel. Hed clearly planed out his discourse cautiously yet in his reasons, he had not referenced that he was enamored with her! Darcy then again offered his turn in marriage since he loved her and his initial sentence communicated this obviously; Futile I have battled. It won't do. My sentiments won't be quelled. You should permit me to disclose to you how I respect and love you. Mr Collins additionally made a few abuse to Lizzy when proposing to her without acknowledging it! For example, he said that on the off chance that she won't, she my never get another offer. He likewise advises her that on the off chance that she remains single, all she may ever be qualified for is twenty-five pounds when her mom kicks the bucket. Darcy put his foot in it as well. In the wake of saying the amount he cherished her, he proceeded to state that it was not his desire to do as such with her associations and status; His feeling of inadequacy - of the family impediments which judgment had consistently contradicted to tendency. At the point when he was turned down he thought she was simply irritated; Might you be able to anticipate that me should cheer in the inadequacy of your associations? - To compliment myself on the desire for relations, your associations? He likewise confessed to attempting to separate Jane and Darcy and even cheered in his achievement of doing as such. Because of dismissal, Mr Collins thinks Lizzy is putting on a show and says this is normal of a woman. He proceeds to express all the great materialistic motivations to wed him neglecting to make reference to things like love. He goes about as though wedding would be a wise venture for Lizzy or something. He at that point guaranteed her that both of her folks endorsed of the marriage. Mr Darcy in light of dismissal is stunned and irate yet figures out how to control himself. He inquired as to why he had been won't and figured she should be insulted by what he had said before; Would you be able to anticipate that me should cheer in the mediocrity of your associations? In any case, subsequent to stating these words he acknowledged her answer. The two proposition were made for totally different reasons; Mr Collins clearly proposed for comfort, while Mr Darcy was infatuated. The two men additionally responded in various manners when turned down; despite the fact that Mr Collins couldnt take the dismissal, he was not really made a big deal about something besides having his male pride hurt. - Darcy probably been very disturbed, to him Lizzy was the lady he needed to spend an incredible remainder with yet he did whatever it takes not to show his feelings. The two of them included a great deal of highbrow character in their proposition addresses. They imagined that Lizzy would not dismiss somebody of the higher class and she should be appreciative that she was picked out of the various young ladies; both reminded her continually about her status. Mr Collins was increasingly close to home referencing both what might happen when her mom and father kicked the bucket yet Lizzy got progressively furious at Darcy due to things he ha s said and done before. Mr Collins and Mr Darcy both said in much detail all the advantages and disadvantages of the marriage. Taking everything into account, the two proposition have a few similitudes however they vary in the basic prerequisite of affection.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Peasant Women in the Elizabethan Era Essay Example

Laborer Women in the Elizabethan Era Paper The yelling wind sends chills up her battered dress. Soil and tears are spread everywhere throughout the woman’s face. In the rule of Queen Elizabeth I,peasant ladies were viewed as the most minimal people in the Elizabethan culture. The devastated ladies in the skirts of the town endured. Ladies became hirelings for the nobles that possessed estates. A large number of them wander among the avenues of England. Small ladies were looked downward on by all open, including women who were sovereignty. They made some irksome memories attempting to live in Elizabethan England.The destitution stricken ladies in the Elizabethan Era were dealt with the most noticeably terrible. Ladies would have no place to turn or anybody to look for. In the Renaissance timespan, they had the most troublesome life. Ladies were the most hopeless residents in this time due to their hardships as hirelings, vagabonds, and unmarried ordinary people. Poor Elizabethan ladies had the most unpleasant lives due to worker hood. Most Elizabethans were workers or hirelings â€Å"Majority of Elizabethans had little to do with nation life, and a lot to do with endeavoring to acquire a pitiful living†(Ed and Stock 181). A servant’s life was fierce. They would get reproved, rebuffed and put to cruel work. Day by day work would incorporate of tidying up each room in the house, care for the domesticated animals and work in the fields.However, it was considerably harder for ladies on the grounds that most would not get picked to try and become one. Poor ladies would be â€Å"lucky† in the event that they were selected from a group to be nobility’s hireling. Devastated ladies were flimsy and thin. The nobles regularly needed a capable man or youngster. More than one-fourth of Elizabethan residents were beneath average citizens â€Å"25 percent of the populace may have been hirelings at the given time† (Weather ly 28). Ladies had a slimmer possibility of being picked to work in a family. Poor ladies couldn't work for food or safe house in light of their feeble bodies. Women of the Elizabethan Era had a horrid life. Worker life was an unforgiving We will compose a custom exposition test on Peasant Women in the Elizabethan Era explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Peasant Women in the Elizabethan Era explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Peasant Women in the Elizabethan Era explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to Develop an Anger Management Control Plan

How to Develop an Anger Management Control Plan Panic Disorder Coping Print How to Develop an Anger Management Control Plan By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Updated on December 13, 2019 Tom Merton / Caiaimage / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions Anger is a powerful feeling that is a normal part of the human experience. Everyone has felt angry at one time or another. Anger itself is not a bad thing. But, if you express your anger in unhealthy ways, it can become a problem. Learning how to develop an anger management plan can help you cope with situations that sometimes lead to increased anxiety and panic symptoms. Its not unusual for people with panic disorder, agoraphobia or another anxiety disorder to experience frustration because of their condition. Sometimes this frustration can develop into anger â€" anger toward yourself, anger at your situation or anger toward others. Anger can intensify your anxiety and worsen your PD symptoms. At its worst, you may experience debilitating and troublesome anger attacks. If your anger is out of control, you may have difficulty maintaining healthy personal or work relationships. There is also evidence that unhealthy expression of anger can be a risk factor for heart disease. Steps for Getting Started on an Anger Management Plan If you have trouble controlling your anger, here are some steps to get you started on an anger management plan: Identify Your Goals and Action Plan Think of your goals in terms of specific behaviors and your reactions. Use a time frame to measure your progress. For example, lets say your first goal is to refrain from verbally attacking your spouse. How will you go about doing this? If you feel yourself getting angry, can you walk away and cool down? How much time do you think it will take you to reach this goal? Dont Play the Blame Game Blaming others will not help you get over your anger. Also, self-blame will only allow feelings of anger and resentment to linger longer than they should. Learn to take responsibility for your anger and your reaction to it when things dont go your way. Learn and Practice Relaxation Techniques Learning and practicing relaxation techniques on a regular basis can help you stay calm. Some examples include: Deep Breathing When people are anxious, they tend to take rapid, shallow breaths that come directly from the chest. This type of breathing is called thoracic or chest breathing. When youre feeling anxious or angry, you may not even be aware that youre breathing this way. Deep breathing can help you calm down and keep your anger from spiraling out of control. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) Anger can cause a lot of physical sensations, including muscle tension. By using PMR, you can counter these physical changes and sensations to achieve a “relaxation response.” During PMR, your breathing slows and your heart rate and blood pressure decrease. Being in a relaxed state can reduce many of the unpleasant physical effects of your anger. Visualization By using visualization to imagine yourself in a peaceful, stress-free setting, you can reach a state of mental and physical relaxation. For example, imagine yourself sitting by a beautiful, peaceful lake. Focus on the scene for a period of time. Feel the soft sand on the bottom of your feet. As a gentle breeze sweeps across the water, imagine the warm air on your face as you watch a magnificent sunset on the horizon. Mindfulness Meditation Many people find meditation calming and revitalizing. Mindfulness meditation can offer clarity and a sense of peace. You can perform a meditation exercise sitting or lying down. Make sure your surroundings are quiet and dress comfortably. Give it a try by following these steps: Close your eyes and do some deep breathing for several minutes.Concentrate on a single word or object. For example, slowly repeat the word “relax.”If you find your mind wandering during the exercise, just take deep breaths and refocus.Continue the process until you feel calm and refreshed. Get Help and Support If you have trouble expressing anger, talk to a friend, family member or mental health professional. Building a strong support system can allow you to blow off steam in a healthier way: through open communication and trust. You can learn how to constructively express your feelings without letting anger express them for you. Get Support From the 7 Best Online Anger Management Classes

Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on Slavery, Womens Rights and Inequality in America

America by far is the most diverse country on the face of the earth. America today is known for freedom, equality, democracy, and a defender against tyranny. The foundation of American values lay in a belief of independence, nationalism, capitalism, and religion. However, many conflicts have arisen over these values in the past. Capitalism and other characteristics have made America great, but they have brought about their own set of inequalities. Those inequalities have deep roots in race, culture, gender, and wealth. In the 1800s two of the biggest conflict lies with the issue of slavery and women’s rights. African slaves helped build the economic foundations of the nation we know today. Although slavery was basically used for labor†¦show more content†¦It also thought that he fathered several of her children. During this time period slaves were only considered property thus making inhumane treatment of them justifiable. In a time period when women were considered inferior, as were blacks, it was unimaginable the horrors a black woman in the south had to endure during this period. African women were slaves and subject to the many horrors that come along with being in bondage, but because they were also women, they were subject to the cruelties of men who look down on women as inferior simply because of their sex. The sexual exploitation of these females often lead to the women fathering children of their white masters. Black women were also prohibited from defending themselves against any type of abuse, including sexual, at the hands of white men. If a slave attempted to defend herself she was often subjected to further beatings from the master. The black female was forced into sexual relationships for the slave master’s pleasure and profit. By doing this it was the slave owner ways of helping his slave population grow. Slavery in the United States was a part of a long established system of labor and exploitation. These treatments of slaves lead to revolts and slaves escaping to the north for freedom. In the movie Amistad, the inhumane treatment of slaves was manifested. The movie Amistad depicted the enduring symbol of unity and the humanShow MoreRelatedThe Role Women Played in the Social Reform Movements of the Antebellum Period1557 Words   |  7 Pagesantebellum period in America. The period 1820 to 1870 in the United States was marked by a forceful and widespread debate on womans roles and their proper vocation whether this be in the home or outside the home and becoming wage earners.This was, however, still a time in which females were encouraged to be pure, dutiful, domestic and compliant by men and the government. 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Anthony1195 Words   |  5 Pagesthe slave, so will I ignore it all to protect an enslaved woman.† This quote by Susan B. Anthony, stated during the women’s suffrage movement, illustrates the hypocrisy women faced during the late 1800’s. Furthermore, it displays that women’s rights can be compared to that of an enslaved human being instead of a free United States citizen. Throughout American history gender inequality has been a prevalent, ongoing, concern. Sherna Berger Gluck’s novel, From Parlor to Prison, is a collection of storiesRead MoreSeneca Falls Declartion of Sentiments724 Words   |  3 Pagesin Seneca Falls at a women’s rights convention. The title also declares that the piece will be a set of sentiments, thoughts prompted by feelings. 2. Author’s Life: The women, Mott, Wright, McClintrock, and Stanton, who wrote the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiment were born in a time when women had no rights and were simply their husbands belongs. 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From the enslavement of African Americans, to the mistreatment of Native Americans on the Trail of Tears, and the subtle and sometimes overt discrimination oppressing American women today, there has been a long and continuing history of discrimination and unfair action against our fellow citizens. It would be deceitful for us to thinkRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1263 Words   |  6 Pages Throughout hundreds of years, women have experienced inequalities by society and by the law. Mostly, women were treated differently from men. The women in America during the late 1800’s were treated unequally to men because they couldn’t vote, they had no job opportunities, and they were controlled in marriage. In the beginning, only men had the privilege to vote on any law that they desired which is a reason why women were treated unequally to men. Unlike women who didn’tRead MoreAnalysis Of Walt Whitman s Works And Pieces1452 Words   |  6 Pagesactivists are strongly opposed to slavery, and oppression and want to obtain the same rights, social status, and equality as everyone else. They have identical goals that they want to fulfill and are well aware of the controversy that they will not ignore that society has to collaborate to resolve problems and issues in order to unify the nation as one. It is important that all races are treated equally and they must remove the barriers that are preventing freedom. As America develops its culture, these

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Who Else Wants to Learn About Isee Essay Samples?

Who Else Wants to Learn About Isee Essay Samples? Rather than getting an expensive private tutor, there are numerous on-line resources which can offer extensive preparation assistance at a sensible price, a number of these have videos and interactive components that are crucial in helping your child achieve success with the SSAT exam. While there many specific instruments and strategies for the various regions of the SSAT, becoming familiarized with the test by reviewing the practice questions is an excellent start. Do everything you can to adhere to the tips here, then forget about doing it. Now to turn to some strategies and suggestions for how to approach each prompt. But What About Isee Essay Samples? You may be asked to spell out your favourite book or your beloved relative, or. CAHSEE prompt are available on page. In addition, you must rewrite the prompt at the very top of the very first page. Once you finish, the results page consists of extensive explanations for eve ry one of the answers and more info on every question's relevant concepts. Here's What I Know About Isee Essay Samples For instance, if you made a decision to begin your essay with an anecdote, the anecdote would want to be about something you've experienced that is associated with your topic. The conclusion doesn't will need to be a lengthy paragraph. You should read quote from. A History of Isee Essay Samples Refuted The essay is scanned digitally and what's outside might not be legible. Although it is not graded, as we'll discuss below, it is still a critical part of the test. How can you write a vital essay. The AP English essay a part of the last exam to ascertain if you get your. Since these essays are sent to schools directly, it will become important for students to create a great write-up in order to have a very good score. Aside from studying at economics department, I intend to attend floristic courses, so as to turn into a true specialist within this sphere. PaperCoach will be able to help you with all your papers, so take a look at this time! Where to Find Isee Essay Samples After you own a plan, go on and get writing! It's a superb idea to devote some time thinking of some individuals, events, or activities you might incorporate into various essay prompts. Word story about anything you prefer. Even if the precise word isn't listed, such preliminary work can an excellent starting place, as your student is able to look for the word that most matches the synonym which he or she student brainstormed. Schools have a look at the typical scores, and generally have a cut-off when considering admission. The Mathematics Achievement section contains 30 problems that you are in possession of a half hour (thirty minutes) to address. Practice Sat Essay Prompts When there are lots of folks who don. Essays are ungraded, but they're sent to schools together with the ISEE score report. The 30-Second Trick for Isee Essay Samples In the debu t, you should also be quite clear about your stance on this issue. In fact, the essay is a little bit of an enigma. Start by Brainstorming The prompt is asking you for something that you've completed that has had an impact on your life in some manner. What to Expect From Isee Essay Samples? Another reason behind joining the drama club is the fact that it will give me an opportunity to execute. While keeping your eye on the clock is a great tactic, rushing through questions is not. Naturally, you've got to make certain your grabber is pertinent to the prompt you've been assigned. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you wind up getting an excellent grade. The Unexpected Truth About Isee Essay Samples I hope that my acting will give rise to successful productions alongside my work as a portion of the behind-the-scenes crew. Teamwork is crucial to making an amateur production seem to be professional. Because you only have limited time on the true test, doing this brainstorming beforehand will help you a good deal! While there might be some competition among stars, a production is usually a cooperative work. What You Should Do to Find Out About Isee Essay Samples Before You're Left Behind You could discuss a sport that you wish to learn, or maybe a musical instrument. In the top level in addition, there are algebra and geometry questions. There's nothing more bedeviling than trying to explain ISEE scoring. We use the expression format loosely here. The issue of the family is also rather vital for me. It shouldn't be too difficult to convince my loved ones. The ideal way to prepare your kid is to begin early. It ought to be simple to plan a Canadian vacation.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Netflix Case Study Free Essays

I. Viewpoint: CEO We used the CEO Reed Hasting view point, because he is the current CEO and primarily responsible for the main ideas for this company. II. We will write a custom essay sample on Netflix Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now Problem Statement: How should Netflix enter the online video market? Any decision made on this issue would impact not just the Netflix existing business model but its ability to sustain its position as a giant in the media industry. III. Key Objectives Make Netflix more engage in technology generation now a day. To increase revenue incomes for the company and at the same time make the company brand more globally to all. IV. Areas of Consideration SWOT Strength: ?the first company that venture into the online DVDs rental retailing ? Netflix offers prepaid subscription service whereby customers only need to sign up and pay a fixed subscription fee a month for unlimited rentals. ?Customers will now have no more worry of returning their movies late, as Netflix has cancelled the late-fee system. ?Netflix made the unsubscription process relatively easy ?dopting the strategy of reclaiming churned customers rather than forcing dissatisfied customers to stay. Offers a web portal with powerful features such as a proprietary recommendation system that was very accurate in recommendations ? Customers are recommended to movies based on their preferences as well as the availability of the movies. ?Gained a good reputation as well as a large base of customers over the years. ?Growing library of more than 5,000 choices that can be watched instantly on their PCs. ?Over 6. 7 million subscribers. ?They have over 55 mi llion discs and ship 1. 6 million a day, on average. Weakness: Prepaid subscription service model do not work with low volume customers. ?High replacement inventory cost will occur since DVDs might get lost or damage during the mail transit. ?Delivery time is still a weakness for Netflix in comparison to brick-and-mortar store like Blockbuster. ?Customers could not get the DVDs they want immediately. Opportunities ?Netflix can easily source for the technology and infrastructure to provide VOD services to its customers. ?Netflix can review on the current competitors in the VOD market to have a safer measure before entering into the market. With VOD, the problems associated with inventory control such as damaged as lost DVDs might be eliminated. ?More people have higher purchasing power since more are buying high-price durable goods like big-screen HDTV. Threats ?Video streaming technologies had evolved drastically over the years to the recent VOD. ?Brick-and-mortar stores like Blockb uster will continue to enjoy its business with customers who want to get their DVDs on the spot and do not consume high volume of DVDs. V. Alternative Courses of Action: Promote a free movie watch from 1-3 pm mid night Ad: To catch up more customers. Dis: No revenue for that timing. ?More benefits for VIP membership Ad: establish customer loyalty. Dis: Less revenue income. ?Engage in HOT /IN website or Apps for advertising Ad: Promoting the brand name. Dis: It’s competitive with other apps for movie. ?Billboard advertising Ad: making the brand more widely Dis: high cost in renting billboard ?Lower cost for Weekend Ad: increase in membership log-in / increase in sales Dis: lower income for that specific days. VII. Recommendation: As the Internet sources is rapidly growth too fast and the updating of movies is also getting Faster than before, Netflix should try to make a promotion period for memberships. Or even lower price for old movies (10-20 years old movies). They can also make a promotion for watching free within a period of time (1-3pm midnight). References: http://www. techi. com/2011/10/netflix-is-a-case-study-in-poor-decisions-tanking-a-company/ http://blog. kissmetrics. com/how-netflix-measures-you/ http://www. dmnews. com/customer-relationship-mangling-a-netflix-case-study/article/215246/ Questions: 1. As completely as possible, sketch the value chain for Netflix from the production of content to viewer. Ans: 2. How do horizontal and vertical conflict impact Netflix? Ans: There are competitor in the market and the innovative update for the technology now a days conflict impact the improvement of Netflix. 3. How does Netflix add value for cutomers through? Ans:Netflix provide low cost for quality movies that u can watch. They provide more than millions of movies choices for movie lover who can even search for old movies(10 years ago). 4. What threats does Netflix face in the future? Ans: Netflix will face more technology challenges in coming future and there will also be more and more website for free movies coming out. 5. Will Netflix be successful in the long term? Why or Why not? Ans: Netflix will successful for short term but not long term. Because there are more and more websites providing free movie watching or even software. We can just download it thru the net and watch it for free. Therefore there will be less people willing to pay for watching a movie except for movie house. How to cite Netflix Case Study, Free Case study samples

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Job Fit free essay sample

Organizations face this critical problem which is mainly †Weak Job Fitl whereby personal skills are not well considered while hiring. Even after realizing this misfit its never admitted but both the employees and the managements try to manipulate and rise up any reasons which affects the firm productivity and effectiveness indirectly Pensee Esmat Page 6 1. 2 Problem statement: How can weak Person-Job fit affect the firm culture and efficiency negatively? 1. 3 Purpose of the study: Mainly to generate more knowledge and understanding of the weak PersonJob fit phenomena and to build theories based on its results. We need to show in this esearch the strong effect of the proper Person-Job fit and its support in managing the personal expectations and the company targets and plans following its own strategy. Human capital is one of the company assets which requires efforts to maximize its benefits by enhancing the relation between the personal and his Job duties trying to attract his attention, loyalty, love and extreme devotion which positively affects the company internal culture and external image, moreover supports in increasing its success (more market share, high profits, minimum turn over, high competences. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Fit or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . tc). . 4 Research Questions What are the main reasons for positions misfit? What are the main consequences of this phenomenon? How to avoid its occurrence and lower its consequences? 1. 5 Theoretical framework: page 7 None matched caliber And / or Less efficiency Lower production Non clear Job profile Improper internal culture Negative external image Fig 1. 1 Theoratical framework Page 8 22. 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review Introduction: The Person-Job fit consequences problem will be highlighted and analyzed via previous efforts done by other researchers and by studying and surveying existing ases. Most of the previous researches focused on the Job satisfaction reasons and its strong relation with the caliber fitness to the dedicated and assigned Job description. In addition to the negative effect on the organization productivity and effectiveness. Some other researches focused on how to optimize personal Job fit to their existing position or use Job rotation and position transfer for the sake of organization development. 2. 2 Terminologies definitions: Person Job fit involves the measurement of the information about a candidates suitability for the tasks that are equired for successful performance of a specific Job. It includes things such as a candidates specific skills, their levels of knowledge about specific subject matter, and their cognitive abilities. Person Organization fit is the congruence of an individuals beliefs and values with the culture, norms, and values of an organization. Job Satisfaction, it means the employee and employer Page 9 satisfaction mutually, each gives and take what is expected. Organization required to produce it. Performance, Accomplishment of a given task measured against preset standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. KPI (Key Performance Indicators) KPIs are figures and standards that show the progress (or lack of it) toward realizing the firms objectives or strategic plans by monitoring activities which (if not properly performed) would likely cause severe losses or outright failure. Phenomena, An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses. Vocational satisfaction, Job satisfaction. 2. 3 Person-Job fit and its relation with Job satisfaction: It had been proven via many studies that Person-Job fit affects the person Job satisfaction. Job satisfaction provides a measure of Job-specific ffect, whereas career satisfaction represents an individuals feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with an entire career. Our usage of the term _career follows Hall (1976, 4), viewing a career as the entirety of _work-related experiences and activities over the span of a persons life. Holland (1996) argued that vocational satisfaction, stability and achievement depend on the congruence between ones personality and the environment in Pensee Esmat Page 10 which one works. Fit or congruence may be realized when the behavioral expectations of a work role synchronize with the behavioral inclinations of a articular personality type. If, for example, an extraverted individual finds outlets for his/her expressive nature in the customer contact aspects of sales work, _congruence, as defined by Holland, has been achieved. The Holland model had established that personality is the single most important factor in Job choice, Job satisfaction and long term career success.