Sunday, February 16, 2020

Select a social injustice occurring in the United States today and Essay

Select a social injustice occurring in the United States today and answer, Which mode of change-making would best correct your c - Essay Example The Concept of Marriage The Law of God, as well as the law of the land, strongly holds that marriage is a sacred ceremony; a union that ties the knot between couples. It has been established in the society of America, and all over the world that marriage is between a man and a woman. Today, there has been a controversy where the gays and lesbians are involved--that same-sex marriage is a form of immorality and in religious view, an abomination. It is true that many of the homosexuals were asking the government to legalize the so called--same sex marriage. In fact, there were many â€Å"gay rights movement† moved and sentiments aired. This had been regarded as social injustice, thus needed to be addressed. Traditional couples enjoy marriage privileges and benefits like procreation, known, or at least presumed paternity, child and spousal support, stability in family life, and survivor’s rights, as far as the U.S Constitution is concerned (â€Å"Constitutional Topic†). Same-sex couples also wanted to enjoy those benefits. According to some of them, they could also feel the same level of personal commitment the way the traditional couples do. Morally speaking, this had really created a smoke of non-acceptance and discrimination towards the society because this kind of set-up--gay men and women marriage was not acceptable. Some of the religious denomination discriminated such kind of marriage, but the homosexuals still urge the government for its implementation. Sometime in 1990, homosexual advocates protested for their ‘constitutional right’ to have a marriage license, and be accepted in the community. Although, there were religious leaders that stood against this ‘immoral activity,’ it was still accepted by the government. They sought to modify the civil marriage for them to be included. Indeed, many religious groups have shown their views and sentiments regarding this issue. They see marriage as based on sacred prac tice; they argue that if the government would change the definition of marriage it is equivalent to reducing its sacred value (â€Å"Constitutional Topic†). The Controversies Homosexuality has gained different labels such as ‘immoral,’ ‘improper,’ ‘unacceptable,’ etc. In early 1956, a pioneering national lesbian organization was established known as the The Daughters of Bilitis. In 1973, homosexuality was removed from official list of mental disorders by the American Psychiatric Association. Also, the state of Wisconsin prohibits the discrimination against gay men and women on the basis of sexual orientation. In addition, gays were permitted to serve in the military provided that no homosexual activity should be done, through the â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tel† policy as instituted for the U.S military. In effect, there was opposition to the said enactment; thousands of men and women in the armed forces were discharged. Mode of Change-Making: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage It was reported that gay couples have been fighting for the legalization of same-sex marriage. In fact, some of them in Washington DC have been waiting for the government to issue them marriage licenses since March 3, 2010 (â€Å"Tying the Knot†). In spite the discrimination from the society and other religious group, in December 2010, same-sex marriage proposal has

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Major event happened in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Major event happened in China - Essay Example This places China on the same level as Trinidad and Tobago and Serbia. The index also reveals that China is indeed more corrupt than most of the developing countries like Sri Lanka. Corruption in China takes various forms such as either structural or non-structural. Non-structural corruption is also common in other parts of the world and includes illegal or criminal acts such as embezzlement of public funds, bribery, nepotism, and patronage. Structural corruption, on the other hand, is very difficult to tackle because it emerges on from weakness in political and economic structures in the country. This includes backdoor deals, statistical falsification, and graft. What is worse, corruption in China takes place at both individual and institutional levels. Political corruption has been a major obstacle to China’s development over the years and despite the government taking significant steps to curb the problem, there are still major instances of corruption in the country. Some analysts such as Yan Sun, a professor at City University of New York claim that there are more corrupt members in China’s leading political party, CPP than there are honest members. The current Chinese President Xi Jinping has taken a tough stance against corruption and has vowed to fight the vice. Impacts of widespread corruption include undermining democracy and good governance, reduces accountability, weakens institutions, and compromises both international and national laws. Corruption is a major threat to China’s development in its bid to overtake the US the world economic powerhouse. Most of the cases of corruption in China do nt6 find their way to the international stage due to unwillingness of the government to share such data with f oreign agencies. This has, however, not stopped some cases from attracting headlines in both local and international media. This essay is based on Makinen Julie’s article titled â€Å"In China, Corruption Cases Keep