Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Busiest Person On The Planet - 1502 Words

Nizar Ali Virani ENGL 1101 Section 14 Everyone A New Perspective You are the busiest person on the planet. It’s a fact. I could show you the schedule of who the world would assume to be the busiest person, but the assumption would be false. You have things to do, people to meet, plans to complete. I could tell you that my entire day is full from the crack of dawn to the smallest hours on the morning, but in reality, you would still be the busiest person in the world. The human brain never stops working. Non-stop: 25 hours a day, 8 days, 366 days in a year. That’s right; you brain works so much that I had to create more time to ease the pressure. There isn’t a single moment of the day when there isn’t something running through your head.†¦show more content†¦More than a thousand years ago, a man by the name of Siddhartha Gautama walked out of his massive palace and took abode under a tree. For years, he searched for an answer, and it turns out it was within him the entire time. He let go of ev erything that was holding him down, attaching him to the world, and realized the bigger meaning of life. Obviously, living in the 21st century, we can’t just leave our work, family, and obligations to try and find Enlightenment. So the question arises, how can we become the modern Buddha? Is it even worth the effort? I believe that even a little mindfulness can change a person for the better and create a better world for everyone to live in. Mindfulness is seen as something that the monks in Tibet or the pundits in India do. Even with the growing trend of meditation in the Western culture, it’s not something that is openly accepted by many people as a tool to bettering themselves. What exactly is mindfulness? The University of California, Berkeley describes it as such: â€Å"Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment† (Berkeley.edu). They state that being mindful increases connectivity, not only to outside settings, but to sensations within one’s own body. They further state that being mindful increases

Monday, December 16, 2019

Hurrican Katrina Free Essays

Proposal /Disaster Research Proposal Page 1 * My disaster paper will focus mainly on the direct and indirect effects of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans were made by the community and the state, which also affected New Orleans and surrounding areas. My initial research on this topic of Hurricane Katrina was that, although there was a slew of different aids and reliefs sent to New Orleans and other surrounding areas, there were periods where there wasn’t enough or too much time was taken so that the community and pretty much the federal government could have made a timely contribution. This makes my initial response to Hurricane Katrina and its effect on New Orleans and the things that were done to help them a negative response. We will write a custom essay sample on Hurrican Katrina or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is why I am choosing to write about this touching topic, I want to inform readers and people who may not know some approaches taken (and not taken) to help New Orleans and the surrounding areas that were affected. * The purpose of me writing this argument will be to inform readers, of the direct and indirect effect of Hurricane Katrina. The tone will be informative, this strategy will suit me best for this paper because of the type of incident Hurricane Katrina was. Thesis will definitely be in the first paragraph. Most likely in the middle of the opening paragraph. There possibly will be a refutation, although, where I am going to put one at this point has not be determined. * My research question will be: What were the direct and indirect effects of Katrina on New Orleans, and what actions were made by the communities and government to effectively help Hurricane Katrina victims. Proposal /Disaster Research Proposal Page 2 * Books * Scholarly Articles * Library Database Proposal /Disaster Research Proposal Page 3 The intended audience for my informative paper will be teens and young adults, these seem to be the people who were involved and knew the most about Hurricane Katrina and the updates. Plus it is just an easier group of people to write to. My audience is most likely between the ages of 15-30, because high school students were watching the news and getting updates by school and home, and because 30 year olds are still concerned with news. They most likely are middle class, being that most of the people effected by Hurricane Katrina were middle classed, so naturally other middle class people were tuned in. Gender probably wouldn’t matter, but education might play a big role. Being that people who were not as educated as others may not be so affected or concerned with what was going on in another state, because they themselves were not being affected. The major points that will be addressed in my analysis paper will be the indirect and direct effects of this natural disaster and the relief efforts and other helps that were made to help Katrina Victims. They will most likely find out how much Katrina victims were affected and what happened to them. Although, these will be things they have heard in the news there will also be other facts such as the economic effect this natural disaster had on New Orleans and surrounding areas. Not everything is for news, and although some people were concerned with this catastrophe, most people did not go and do their own research so they have been misinformed or left out of some things that actually did happen during this time. Some general beliefs that may be involved in his mishap, would be that when people need help, for example not being able to help themselves somebody of higher authority such as government should be able to step in and effectively take care of the situation. That is one example of personal beliefs. Proposal /Disaster Research Proposal Page 4 November 25- Type Proposal * November 26-Turn in Proposal, start research on Katrina and its effects * November 27- Research, find a thesis and begin to research on that * November 28- Research, start writing paper at least first 2 pages * November 29-Research, finish paper or continue writing * November 30-Conference and feedback on what has been written so far or finished draft * December 3-peer reviews (on ow n time) * December 4-edit and review paper, consults notes and feedback from conference and peer reviews * December 5-Turn in paper, final copy How to cite Hurrican Katrina, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Incarceration vs treatment Essay Example For Students

Incarceration vs treatment Essay The focus of this paper is incarceration versus treatment of low level drug offenders in California. The viewpoint in favor of incarceration is supported by the deterrence and incapacitation theory. This theory promotes increased arrests, prosecutions, and prison sentences as the primary means to dissuade drug use and street crime by removing the offender from the community. The theory further states that by implementing stricter sanctions targeting low level drug offenders further reduces drug related crime by increasing the personal costs of drug use among incipient users. Opposing arguments state that by simply punishing the offender it does not address the underlying causes of drug use and addiction. The people that hold this standpoint feel treatment would be an effective solution. My viewpoint coincides with the later argument. I feel the costs as well as the effectiveness of treatment outweigh that of incarceration.I plan to discuss costs and effectiveness respectively, in reg ards to each viewpoint. According to the California Department of Corrections (CDC), it costs an average of $21,470 per year to house an inmate in a California state prison. The breakdown of this amount is as follows (in average costs per year): $193 reception/ diagnosis, $9,833 security, $3,263 health care, $6,892 cost of living, and $1,288 for inmate work/training. In addition, Pape of Los Angeles states that the capital cost of building one prison cell is approximately $80,000. Focusing on treatment, the estimated annual cost is $2,500 per offender (Pape). Take for instance a 200-person sample. It would cost nearly 4.3 million dollars to house those 200 people in a California state prison versus the cost of approximately $500,000 for those same 200 hundred people to participate in an offender specific drug treatment program. Not to mention the â€Å"on-street† savings of the offenders who successfully complete the program and become employed, discontinue welfare, and pay t axes. In regards to the cost aspect of incarceration versus treatment, considering the above stated figures, treatment is heavily beneficial. California leads the nation in the number of drug offenders incarcerated. The statistic is a staggering 132 per 100,000 of the population versus a national average of 45 per 100,000 of the population. In 1999, 12,749 Californians were sent to prison for low level drug offenses, such as possession. This is an increase of over 20-fold compared to the 379 Californians sent to prison for the same crime in 1980(Justice Policy Institute). Though overall crime is down in California, data show that stricter drug enforcement in regards to low level offenses is not associated with the decline in crime rates or drug use. Continuing, increased arrests of low-level drug offenders are significantly correlated with slower declines in property crime, and an increase in violent crime (Justice Policy Institute). According to Pape, those who complete a drug treatment program are four times less likely to be arrested for criminal activity. As veteran district attorney of 30 years, Gil Garcetti states in support of treatment programs â€Å"from my own experience, I realize the proper response to people’s drug addictions isn’t to send them to prison.† As further support, an independent five year study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse shows that 63% of low level offenders incarcerated and not in a treatment program were reincarcerated for a drug related crime within a year of their release (Mullen 118). The overwhelming figures on both sides of the spectrum are in favor of treatment versus of incarceration of low level drug offenders. In closing, here is a reiteration of the facts supporting the use of drug treatment programs versus incarceration for low level drug offenders. The overpowering figures in regards to cost exhibit the millions that could be potentially saved if California focuses its energy towards treatment and not incarceration. The figures displaying the effectiveness in regards to crime rate and reincarceration for the same offense also show heavy support for treatment programs. I feel the implementation of treatment programs over incarceration for low level drug offenders would be greatly beneficial for both the offender as well as the state of California.California Department of Corrections. â€Å"The cost of housing an Inmate.† http://www.cdc.state.ca.us/inmtctst.htm}. .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab , .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .postImageUrl , .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab , .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:hover , .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:visited , .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:active { border:0!important; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:active , .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u97c3372ecf925a378cc2088f554c2dab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Themes The three major themes are love, loyalty, a EssayJustice Policy Institute. â€Å"Drug and Justice: An Examination of California Drug Policy Enforcement.† October 2000: 1-13. http://www.cjcj.org/cadrug/cadrug.html}. Mullen, Rod. â€Å"California Program Reduces Recidivism and Saves Tax Dollars.†Corrections Today v58 August 1996: 118+Pape, Eric. â€Å"The Dope Show.† Los Angeles 44 no5 May 1999: 36+Bibliography:

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Subcultures free essay sample

Assess the usefulness of sub cultural theories in understanding crime and deviance am going to be assessing the usefulness of sub cultural theories in understanding crime and deviance. The functionalist suggested that understanding deviance lies in the studying it function for society rather than the individual itself. Also consensus is essential for society to function. All functionalist therefore argues that forms of social control are necessary to check deviant and to maintain social order. Morton theory of anomie is based on the ideas of the functionalist.Anomie encourages deviance. Morton understood crime and deviance to be a response to the inability to achieve social goals. This is Often referred to as a strain theory of crime, since Morton highlighted a tension or strains between the cultural goals of a society and the legitimate or institutionalized means of achieving these goals. Morton work can be seen to be the influence by the American dream provided that you work hard in a good job, money a good house and a luxurious lifestyle can be yours. We will write a custom essay sample on Subcultures or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However he said that when the values or ultra goals are internalized, many people dont live up to it or achieve it. Morton presents five modes of adapting to strain caused by the restricted access to socially approved goals and means. He did not mean that everyone who was denied access to societys goals became deviant. Rather the response, or modes of adaptation, depends on the individuals attitudes toward cultural goals and the institutional means to attain them. Conformity is the most common mode of adaptation. Individuals accept both the goals as well as the prescribed means for achieving those goals.Conformists will accept, though not always achieve, the goals of society and the means approved for achieving them. Individuals who adapt through. Innovation accepts societal goals but have few legitimate means to achieve those goals, thus they innovate (design) their own means to get ahead. The means to get ahead may be through robbery, embezzlement or other such criminal acts. In Ritualism, the third adaptation, individuals abandon the goals they once believed to be within their reach and dedicate themselves to their current lifestyle. They play by the rules and have a daily safe routine.Retreating is the adaptation of those who give up not only the goals but also the means. They often retreat into the world Of alcoholism and drug addiction. They escape into a non-productive, non-striving lifestyle. The final adaptation. Rebellion occurs when the cultural goals and the legitimate means are rejected. Individuals create their own goals and their own means, by protest or revolutionary activity. Morton was highly critical of competitive and ambitious social values in western society suggesting that competition and greed encourages people to reek the law.The critics of Morton theory is that some say that it neglect the power relation in the whole of the society Laurie Taylor suggest the Morton theory failed to explain who creates the rules in the first place, and in whose interests these rules and values have been developed by the powerful to guarantee success. By focusing on the actions of individuals he fails to recognize that subcultures developed their own goals and means of achieving them and this is a collective response. Other American sociologist has taken the issues that Morton emphasizes on evince as individual responses.Cohen and Collard and Olin, for example, understand deviance to be a collective solution by like-minded and like situated individuals to structurally imposed problems. This meant that deviance and especially delinquency is the result of groups bein g excluded from goals of society because of their position in the social structure usually a class position. Cohen argues that although groups of working class youths may originally accept the wider social goals, their growing awareness of their inability to achieve goals leads to the development of status frustration, where the goals are rejected. Instead, new and deviant goals are formed and a delinquent subculture is formed. Collard and Olin take these ideas further. They contend that as well a legitimate opportunities varying for the successful achievement of wider social goals. Illegitimate opportunities also differ. Thus, some young people are able to join a local gang or to take up a life of crime, but others lack even these choices. These individuals become double failure usually retreat to a life of violence, drug abuse etc.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Who Moved My Cheese Essays

Who Moved My Cheese Essays Who Moved My Cheese Paper Who Moved My Cheese Paper The message from the book Who Moved My Cheese was that if you want something in life you have to go out and get it and that no one hand is going to hand it to you. Meaning there will be changes in your life and you have to be willing to accept it; and not be afraid of the word change. Because if youre not willing to open up to change life will pass you by without looking back. The character I can say I identify the most is the mouse which was Haw. My reason for saying this Is because Haw was a person who wasnt willing to accept change at first because his friend kept telling him how he didnt want to accept it because he was scared and that Hem kept saying how there was nothing better out there for them. So instead of Haw doing what he wanted to do he kept listening to his friend and not his heart. But at the end he was starting to open up to change, and he saw that change was good for him. I would have to say my cheese is my future goal which Is to be a physical therapist assistant. However I cant be a Haw anymore I have to be a Scurry who sees whats deed and take action to it immediately. I cant Just sit around and not think Im going to become a PTA by being a Haw who takes their time opening up to change when I need to be willing to open to It a little quicker. The character I can relate to someone I know Is Hem. I can relate Hem to someone Is because they wasnt willing to accept change at all. They were the best athlete In high school, and everyone looked up to them. But when It was time for them to graduate from high school and attend college she was so excited because she was going to try-out for the basketball am. Until the day It finally came to try-out, the coaches were giving plays to run and she didnt run them because she use to come up with her own plays Like In high school; and her coach would run them and she felt Like she was In charge all the time. But she wasnt willing to accept change which her change was running the college plays thats really going to help them win on that college level and her not being In charge. Then when try-outs was over and they posted who all made It on the team she noticed that her name wasnt on the list, and she was devastated. However he lesson I can learn from her Is that I have to be always be willing to adapt to change no matter what, Like my mommy always said dont knock It until you try It because you might end up Liking It. , this can help me In college because I know Ill face somethings and Ill have to adapt to the atmosphere around me but at the end Its Just me facing change In my life. My personal review on this book Is that I really somewhat enjoyed this book. It taught me that theyre plenty people In the world who are afraid of change and Its okay long as youre not Like a Hem whos not willing to accept change. But overall this was a great book and I would require many people to read It thats scared of change. Who Moved My Cheese By Brown identify the most is the mouse which was Haw. My reason for saying this is because would have to say my cheese is my future goal which is to be a physical therapist assistant. However I cant be a Haw anymore I have to be a Scurry who sees whats when I need to be willing to open to it a little quicker. The character I can relate to someone I know is Hem. I can relate Hem to someone is because they wasnt willing o accept change at all. They were the best athlete in high school, and everyone looked up to them. But when it was time for them to graduate from high school and team. Until the day it finally came to try-out, the coaches were giving plays to run and she didnt run them because she use to come up with her own plays like in high school; and her coach would run them and she felt like she was in charge all the being in charge. Then when try-outs was over and they posted who all made it on the the lesson I can learn from her is that I have to be always be willing to adapt to hang no matter what, like my mommy always said dont knock it until you try it because you might end up liking it. , this can help me in college because I know Ill face something and Ill have to adapt to the atmosphere around me but at the end its Just me facing change in my life. My personal review on this book is that I really somewhat enjoyed this book. It taught me that theyre plenty people in the world who are afraid of change and its okay long as youre not like a Hem whos not willing to read it thats scared of change.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Bridges Bridges Bridges By Maeve Maddox The bridge is one of the most basic human concepts. A tiny child playing with sticks and puddles knows to build a bridge. Not surprisingly, the word bridge, as both noun and verb, has found its way into numerous idioms and expressions. A bridge is a structure forming or carrying a road over a river, ravine, or the like in order to provide a passage between two points. The verb bridge is transitive. Literally, one bridges rivers and gaps: His first contract was to bridge the Monongahela River with an 8-span, 1500-foot-long bridge. The first effort to bridge the gap [between Patna and Sonepur] was Rajendra Setu in 1959. Figuratively, one bridges figurative gaps: 15 Ways to Bridge the Gap Between IT and Business Can Academics Bridge the Gap Between the Academy and the Mainstream Reading Public? Because bridges represent firm connections and safe passage, the noun bridge is used to denote anything that brings people of differing ideas and cultures together in a positive manner: Turkish language a bridge to understanding Service dogs provide a bridge for autistic children to connect with the world†¦ The noun bridge is also used to denote a transition or a cyber connection: With the electronic forms server, our paperless e-forms solution creates a bridge between forms and an ECM/EDM system, A Network Bridge is a hardware or a software [program] that connects two or more networks – maybe one a wired one and the other a wireless one – so that they can communicate with each other. An expression commonly heard in planning sessions is â€Å"We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.† The meaning is that future problems must be dealt with as they arise. Sometimes it’s wise advice, but sometimes it’s an excuse for not planning for consequences. Here are two more bridge idioms: water under the bridge: something that has happened and cannot be changed. For example, these headlines: Cold War no longer water under the bridge as ships sail to Syria Toledo May Say That Its Water Under the Bridge, but Its Still Payback Time like painting the Forth Bridge: an endless task. The Forth Bridge, a cantilever railway bridge across the Firth of Forth in Scotland, is 8,296 feet long. The saying arose from the idea that by the time maintenance workers starting at one end of the bridge had finished painting it, the bridge would need repainting from the beginning. Here’s a recent use of the idiom: Keeping one of Perthshire’s most spectacular mountains in top condition is like â€Å"painting the Forth Bridge†, the expert in charge of its care has said. The most recent painting of the Forth Bridge took 400 men ten years to complete. This time they applied a triple layer of glass flake epoxy paint that is expected to last until about 2036. The card game called Bridge has nothing to do with the kind that spans water. The game is thought to have originated in the Near East. The game’s name of Bridge may be an alteration of a Turkish word called out during play. This illustration in the OED shows the use of a strange word used by English-speaking bridge players in the 19th century: The one declaring may, instead of declaring trumps, say ‘Biritch’, which means that the hands shall be played without trumps. J. Collinson Biritch 2  Ã‚  (1886). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†60 Synonyms for â€Å"Trip†English Grammar 101: Prepositions

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Everything is as it is because of freewill, not because of an Essay

Everything is as it is because of freewill, not because of an omniscient God (Philososphy paper) - Essay Example I will argue that the soft determinist view of freedom is the most plausible, for not only does it take into account moral responsibility, but it also provides an explanation for a person’s free actions. Compatibilism is the view that claims that every action has a causal explanation, yet we have freedom to act upon them. Moreover, for a compatibilist, â€Å"a free action is one that is caused by the person’s beliefs and desires, provided that those beliefs and desires flow from who the person is† (Sider 130). So if all causal relationships have specific laws that govern them, how can there be freedom? Sider tells us that â€Å"a free action is one that is caused in the right way† (127). Similarly, an action is free if the agent â€Å"could have done otherwise† (Ayer 2). Take for instance the following example: I drink alcohol as a result of my own choice. So my act of drinking alcohol is voluntary. Furthermore, my choice is not due to peer pressure . So the immediate cause of my choice must be internal to me. Now while I was walking to the nearest bar to get a drink, I bumped into a friend of mine who asked me if I wanted to go and watch a movie. I could have gone with my friend if I really did not want a drink. So I would have acted otherwise had I chosen to, but I did not, so my action is caused the right way. Herein, my actions are caused but are free, for I could have done otherwise, had I chosen to do so. ... Consider the following example: I got up in the morning, but because I felt tired, I went back to sleep for a while. Then I heard someone knocking and so I got up from bed, not knowing that I was running late for school already. Rushing to leave the house, I packed my bags and got dressed. Since the school bus already had gone ahead. I had to walk to school. Suddenly, while I was walking, someone snatched my knapsack from my shoulders. The snatcher was too quick that I did not even bother chasing him. When I got to school, I rushed in my philosophy class. At that time, my professor was collecting our final take home exams, so he did not notice me coming in late, but when he asked for my exam, I told him it was stolen. But it was no use. I failed for my finals. An hour later, I was called by the principal, it was my mom, she’s been trying to call me since I left home because she heard that a young boy got run over by a car. According to the newscaster, the young boy was me, as shown in the school identification card in the bag of the victim. Of course, my mom knew that it could not be me but she still got worried that my bag was found with the victim. Given the circumstances, am I responsible for the death of the young boy? How about my failure in class? Was it my fault that my bag got stolen? A hard determinist would respond by saying that it is not my fault, since I had no control over what transpired. It was an effect of a prior event that could not have been done otherwise. Thus, we have no freedom and responsibility over circumstances such as this. A libertarian on the other hand would answer me that it is my fault since I made a free choice of going back to sleep this morning. Had I not done willed the act, then I wouldn’t have lost my

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Buzz Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Buzz Marketing - Essay Example Yes, it will seem unfamiliar. Yes, you will be criticized. And yes, it will work†. (Hughes 2005, Chapter 2) Using word of mouth for promoting goods and services is an old tool, yet traditional marketing has only started using it since the audience became sceptical towards â€Å"traditional† advertising. As Knermouch and Green (2001, np) have it: â€Å"†¦the art of generating word-of-mouth has grown far more sophisticated since the early days of simple publicity stunts. Marketers are learning to turn their brands into carefully guarded secrets that are revealed to a knowing few in each community, who in turn tell a few more, who tell a few more, and so on. Rather than blitzing the airways with 30-second TV commercials for its new Focus subcompact, Ford Motor Co. recruited just a handful of trendsetters in a few markets and gave them each a Focus to drive for six months. Their duties? Simply to be seen with the car and to hand out Focus-themed trinkets to anyone who expressed interest in it†. Traditional advertising has ceased to be a reliable source of information for many people, and therefore the good old world of mouth is becoming one of the most powerful tools for the modern marketing specialists for building and promoting brands. People tend to believe the recommendations of their close ones- their relatives and friends- when choosing a product, and therefore the word of mouth is an important marketing tool. On the other hand, word of mouth is the communication that is quite difficult to manage. It is only possible for the company to influence the launch of informational campaign and supplying additional information using the channels that are accessible by the target audience. It is next to impossible to forecast how people will interpret and change this information. (Hughes 2005) Because the choice of the initial information to be spread is an important and not an easy step, it should be paid considerable attention: the target audience, source

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ask for Help Essay Example for Free

Ask for Help Essay Describe the process that you used to take a sample of the puddle-shaped burn pattern on the floor. Why did you also take samples from the portion of the floor that was not burned? To take a sample of the burned floor we scraped the burnt wood will we got loose pieces of it. We did the same to take a sample of the wood that had not been burned. We took a sample of the burned and non-burned wood to compare what made them burn differently. What evidence did the space heater provide? What did the evidence indicate? The space heater was on when the fire started. What information did you gain from the pictures taken at the scene? The information we gained from the pictures taken at the scene was, the victim was laying on the floor during the fire, The crazed glass window is not conclusive, And the fire burned more intensely in the puddle shaped area. (May involve some type of liquid.) To whom did the fingerprints on the match box belong? What characteristics of the fingerprints helped you to determine they were a match? How long does the average IAFIS search take? The finger prints belonged to Donald Parker. The Characteristics of the fingerprints are, Hook, Bridge, Ridge ending, Island, and two bifurcation. It takes 30 minutes for the average IAFIS search. Why is there a charcoal strip inside the containers that you used to collect the floor pieces? Why are these pieces saved after the solution has been prepared for the GC? What elements were present in the gas chromatograph from your puddle sample? How did this differ from the control graph? While performing the autopsy to determine if the victim died in the fire, what signs of inhalation did you look for? Based on the graph, what percentage of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood is deadly? While performing the autopsy the signs of smoke inhalation we looked for was soot in the victims mouth and airways. How does the spectrometer work? What does the absorption of light waves help you to determine? How did you use the calibration curve to determine the blood alcohol content? Explain how the evidence helped you to determine how Trevor  died and whether the fire was accidental or arson.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Battle of Bull Run Essay -- essays research papers

In Virginia the first battle of the Civil War was fought, near Manassas, Virginia railroad junction, after which the battle is called (or First Bull Run, named after the flowing stream on the battlefield, if of the Union point of view). The armies in this first battle were not prodigious by later Civil War principles. The Federal services under Brigadier General Irvin McDowell were well thought-out into four divisions, of about 30,000 men. These divisions were commanded by Tyler, Hunter, Heintzelman, and Miles. The Confederate command structure was to some extent more unmanageable, including two "armies", with no division structure and thirteen independent brigades under Bonham, Ewell, Jones, Longstreet, Cocke, Early, Holmes, Kershaw, Evans, Jackson, Bartow, Bee, Smith, and a cavalry brigade under Stuart. The Confederate Army of the Potomac was under the command of Brigadier General Pierre G. T. Beauregard, and the Army of the Shenandoah was controlled by Brigadier General Joseph E. Johnston. These two forces would be equivalent to McDowell's strength. The first battle of Bull Run (or first battle of Manassas) was the first major engagement of the Civil War. Federal troops led by General McDowell advanced towards Manassas Junction, where Confederate troops were dug in, overcrowding the road to Richmond. Both Confederate and Union troops were not prepared for battle. Union troops advanced on Confederate troops, practically breaking through, but at the last split second, Confederate reinforcements arrived on the battlefield and carried the day. Union troops were routed. As Washington filled with Union soldiers, the anxiety grew to take action. Horace Greely, the mercurial editor of the New York Herald Tribune kept up a persistent stream of editorials echoed throughout the Union " Forward to Richmond- Forward to Richmond.? Army Chief of Staff Winfield Scott put forth a arrangement to beat the confederacy. He called for a inclusive barricade of South, followed by a forceful army to take hold of the Mississippi and New Orleans. Only after all this was accomplished he suggested launching a significant attack against the center of the Confederacy. He opposed any gradually actions. The demands for action however, could not be deprived of. General McDowell came up with a plan for a direct att... ... The line had to be held. A few moments later General Johnson gave the order for a counterattack. The Confederate attack quickly broke the Union lines. Before long the retreat of the union army turned into a complete rout. It was impossible to stop the retreating soldiers from heading all the way back to the Potomac River. In the midst of the flight were hundreds of sightseers from Washington, including six senators and ten Congressmen. As Congressman Riddle stated: "We called to them, tried to tell them there was no danger, called them to stop, implored them to stand. We called them cowards, denounced them in the most offensive term, put out our heavy revolvers, and threatened to shoot them, but all in vain; a cruel crazy, mad, hopeless panic possessed them, and communicated to everybody about in front and rear. The heat was awful, although now about six; the men were exhausted their mouths' gaped, their lips cracked and blackened with the powder of the cartridges they had bitten off in the battle, their eyes starting in frenzy; no mortal ever saw such a mass of ghastly wretches."

Monday, November 11, 2019

Assessing the Dependency of Teamwork Dynamics to Cultural Differences Essay

A debate whether a heterogeneous or a homogeneous team is easier to handle and manage has been going on for years. Companies, firms and even organizations are starting to make teams as the basic unit of their operations. Due to this trend, organizational researchers started to study the correlation between the composition of the team and the teams’ output (Earley & Mosakowski, 2000, p. 26). Organizational composition in terms of the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the team composition is commonly studied through the comparative advantages that each type of composition can give to a working team (Schippers, Hartog, Koopman, & Wienk, 2003, p. 779). This research paper will try to address the issue at hand in the same manner as most organizational researchers do; this research paper will compare homogeneous and heterogeneous team compositions through the advantages they can give to their teams. The hiring structure of most organizations, companies and firm includes a set of qualification that seeks to sift through the applicants not in terms of credentials but also in terms of their backgrounds (Prat, 2000, p. 3). These sets of qualifications are commonly structured in their own ways to create a homogenous or a heterogeneous team, depending on the position of the hiring party in terms of its team composition preference. Before moving on to the advantages of the two-team compositions, it should be noted that the basic differences between the two-team compositions are its team members’ culture. Culture embodies the system of shared meanings (Gibson C. B. , 2004). It can even be said, that culture attributes the different reactions of the team members in different managerial approaches and team objectives (Gibson C. B. , 2004). Furthermore, the probability of success and efficiency in team is dependent to the culture of its team members. Identifying the difference between leading a homogeneous team or a heterogeneous team can be easily discussed through the extent by which team members share a certain culture. In modern day organizational researches, culture sharing is not the only difference. Factors such as efficiency, efficacy of the leading model, output capabilities and even conflict resolution mechanisms are considered in organization researches that address homogeneous and heterogeneous team compositions. Describing the actual leadership process in these two team compositions would lead to the discussions on team cohesiveness. Team cohesiveness is the degree by which members of a group (both hetero and homo) are attracted to the team (Wendt, Euwemab, & Emmerik, 2009, p. 359). It can be said, that team cohesiveness embodies the reasons for joining a team and expected incentives for joining the team (Wendt, Euwemab, & Emmerik, 2009, p. 359). Team cohesiveness is present in both homogeneous and heterogeneous team compositions. However, the burden of insuring that the team would function is not directly related to the team composition; it is also determined by the leadership style in the team. Leading leadership styles such as directive and supportive styles have two very different effects to the team depending on the team composition. The exclusivity of the shared culture in homogeneous teams can work better with directive leadership such as seen in autocratic countries (Wendt, Euwemab, & Emmerik, 2009, p. 360). On the other hand, supportive leadership can work better with heterogeneous team composition since the differences in the shared culture of the team can be compensated for by the support that the leadership style offers (Wendt, Euwemab, & Emmerik, 2009, p. 360). Interchanging the two leadership styles in heterogeneous and homogeneous team compositions can result to high probability of team inefficiency and failure. Following this logic, it can be said that the leadership style would determine the difference between these two team compositions; a certain â€Å"fit† must be properly addressed. After discussing the needed â€Å"fit† in the leadership style and the team composition, advantages in terms of properly leading a homogeneous team or a heterogeneous team can now be established. Having a heterogeneous team implies that a team leader would have members with different recognitions of shared culture. Due to this, the team leader can expect different opinions and a wide range of ideas to be articulated by the team members (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 207). This setup is seen in companies that operate on a high technology level. Technology based companies tend to function in a transnational level; this allows the companies to have an experience in having a heterogeneous team to deal with their operations. The diverse pool that the company can easily access to creates a working environment, which is perfect for the creation of cohorts. According to other related researches, team members tend to speak out their idea or opinion if they have at least one team member that supports their idea (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 207). This finding is the coined as the cohort formation in workplaces. Following this logic, leading a heterogeneous team has an advantage of being able to pool a good number of ideas and opinions due to the different shared cultures among the team members. Practically speaking, a heterogeneous team can come up with more possible solutions needed to address a problem as compared to a team with members that share a uniform culture. Heterogeneous team through its cohorts also has the advantage of creating a workplace, which is more conducive for a more receptive learning behavior (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 209). The cohort formation that arises from a heterogeneous team creates subgroups that are more receptive to learning through experimentation; reflective communication and codification (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 209). The psychological support provided by team members that share culture allows other team members to learn more (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, p. 210). These advantages of heterogeneous teams make many organizations, companies and firms to invest in the creation of a heterogeneous team. This trend is best seen in transnational companies’ attempts to outsource team members from different places around the globe to insure that their team has cohorts to cultivate better brainstorming activities (Earley & Gibson, 2002, pp. 230-232). Unfortunately, the advantages of having a heterogeneous team stop at the cohorts. Heterogeneous team, which is too heterogeneous in the sense that it does not allow the formation of cohorts tends to be counterproductive since its team members without some to share his or her culture with, becomes too protective of their ideas (Gibson & Vermeulen, 2003, pp. 212-213). In this situation, organizational researches recommend the full dismantling of the team or the inclusion of other team members that may allow that formation of cohorts within the heterogeneous team. Advantages in a homogeneous team are the extreme solutions to the disadvantages of a heterogeneous team. The probability that too much heterogeneity can impede team growth and efficiency can be cancelled out by adapting a homogenized team since the shared culture of the whole team will eradicate the cultural diversity that may have started the problems of a too heterogenic team (Mello & Ruckes, 2010, p. 1022). This is the primary advantage of homogeneous team- cohesion. Team cohesion is at its prime state if the subject team is a homogeneous team (WordPress. com, 2009). The strong sense of group cohesion in a homogeneous team allows the whole team to easily accomplish tasks and yield maximum productivity rates (WordPress. com, 2009, p. n. pag. ). The shared culture of a homogeneous team creates a sense of unity among the team members; that translates to achievements that are most probably unattainable for a common heterogeneous group. This is the primary and appears to be the only advantage in a homogeneous group. Unfortunately, it also has its share of disadvantages. The major disadvantage of a homogenous team is that the team is prone to make probable dumb decisions due to the strong sense of groupthink mentality present in this team composition (WordPress. com, 2009). This attributes of homogeneous team composition allows homogeneous teams to be the perfect team composition for productivity and goal oriented organizations, companies and firms. Conclusion: Heterogeneous and homogeneous team compositions have been existing ever since basic groups have been formed. The reason for their existence is the fact that each of this team composition provides a perfect fit for different organizational arrangements (Gamage, 2006, p. 57). The interplay between organizational cultures, team composition and the type of leadership determines the needed fit implied in this research paper. Conclusively, this research paper takes the position that homogeneous team composition is an advantage for organizations, companies and firms that are goal and production oriented, while heterogeneous team composition is an advantage for organizations, companies and firms that seek to provide solutions. The cohesive team culture cultured and enforced in homogeneous team composition allows a consolidated movement of the whole team towards the attainment of their team’s objectives. On the other hand, the differences of the team members of a heterogeneous team allow the utilization of the multi perspective orientations in the advantage of the whole team. The different ideas and cultural inclinations of a heterogeneous team allow the development of holistic solutions. These points when summed up results to a general idea that the team compositions’ effectiveness are dominantly dependent on the factors such as type of leadership and environment such as context of application. Bibliography Adams, S. K. (2007, July 30). Disciplinarily Hetero- and Homogeneous Design Team Convergence:Communication Patterns and Perceptions of Teamwork. Retrieved August 6, 2010, from www. scholar. lib. vt. edu: http://scholar. lib. vt. edu/theses/available/etd-08272007-114555/unrestricted/MastersThesis. pdf Adler, N. (1991). International dimensions of organi-zational behavior (2nd ed. ). Boston: PWS-Kent. Burke, S. , Wilson, K. , & Salas, E. (2010). 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Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gender Discriminiation

Gender Discrimination through Japanese Language Gender discrimination can be observed through many factors within a specific culture. These factors include, a person's position within the family, social class, use of language, and religious beliefs. I am going to focus on language and its cultural significance within Japanese society. By studying language, you can see the gender expectations Japanese women experience everyday. However, language can be used to identify the transformation of women throughout the changing structure of words.The language used to communicate within a culture helps us to understand why Japanese culture functions the way that it does, and how language determines the roles of a man and a woman. There exists a stereotype that Japanese women are submissive and subject to the patriarchal system. However, this was not the experience that I found. I found it interesting that many women in articles and interviews I had found featuring Japanese women had defied my initial expectations of the â€Å"typical† woman. This modern woman never liked to cook for anyone other than herself, loved to travel, and hoped to move on to graduate school.In my opinion, independence defies weak and submissive heartsickness, including a life dedicated to gender role expectations; I. E a woman serving a man. Along with the stereotype of remaining ‘submissive and subject' to the patriarchal system, I understood that to mean that Japanese women rarely put a word in matters such as higher education and the workforce. Now however, there are Japanese women who live alone, cook for themselves, and study in higher education. These are all characteristics that support strong and independent women of 21st century Japan that have a life outside of the family.And since the Law for Equal Employment Opportunity of Men and Women in 1986, the social standing of women greatly improved. Despite this, gender discrimination still exists in Japan. It is important to und erstand why, and how the cultural significance of Japanese language contributes to this discrimination. First you have to ask; do all cultures have the same element of gender discrimination through language? Not quite. If you compare the attitudes of both Chinese and Japanese speakers, you could start to sense and feel a difference between the two languages.The Japanese-Jose equivalent to Chinese could most likely be considered ‘lady talk,' as mentioned above. Although there are similarities within each language, there is no equivalent built-in-structure of Jose and danseuse to Chinese language, instead it is more the context of word choice and intonation. This leads us to believe that Japanese does in fact carry gender discrimination throughout language alone. Japanese Women's Language, JOWL, is a style of speech is connected with tradition and culture and is seen as ‘uniquely Japanese,' showing the beauty and femininity of the Japanese woman.JOWL has been a part of Jap anese culture and tradition long enough to where this style of speech remains in Japanese society today. A likely source of JOWL is from Japan's period of modernization. With modernization came the glorification of the traditional ideal women, arroyos combo shush (good wife, good mother). Interestingly enough, after World War II, this concept was pushed even further. JOWL was used to serve as a tool in integrating women into the national culture, making them more likely to submit.The goal here was to reinforce gender roles by regulating language in order to unify the people during the war. In this case, history has largely contributed to gender discrimination. The overpayment powers of Japan did this by creating a nationalistic pathway to freedom' by taking away the freedom of language. The government plays a major role in defining language restrictions/rules also. Although history shapes the platform on which language and gender roles are built, there are a variety of changes and f actors that can be seen through modern society.Solo character's are usually younger and use young people's language more often. This lack of feminine language rejects old gender roles. Even with these two possibilities, women are trying to convey a message. That they are changing, or have a desire to change, from traditional gender roles to an age of freedom. Education is key in making this change possible. Before World War II, education was centered around the â€Å"good wife, good mother,† mentality while instructing the youth towards nationalism.Educated men and women are sprouting from these changing educational institutions, and with them, new gender expectations of the 21st century. Whether these women know it or not, they are promoting the modern woman by Just adopting a new style of language. There still remain many deep-seated issues within gender discrimination and language that will be difficult to escape. However, by recognizing that it is an issue, society is one step closer to breaking it down.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fluoride essays

Fluoride essays "It started as an observation, that soon took the shape of an idea. It ended, five decades later, as a scientific revolution that shot dentistry into the forefront of preventive medicine. This is the story of how dental science discovered -and ultimately proved to the world- that fluoride, a mineral found in rocks and soil, prevents tooth decay. Although dental caries remains a public health worry, it is no longer the unbridled problem it once was, thanks to fluoride." Fluoride is a compound of the element fluorine, which is found universally throughout nature in water, soil, and in most foods. Existing abundantly in living tissue as an ion, fluoride is absorbed easily into tooth enamel, especially in children's growing teeth. Once teeth are developed, fluoride makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before the damage is even visible. "Topical" fluoride is found in products containing strong concentrations of fluoride to fight tooth decay. These products. including dentrifices like toothpastes and mouthrinses containing fluoride. are applied directly to the teeth and are then expectorated or rinsed from the mouth without swallowing. (Dentists recommend brushing with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day or after every meal combined with a regimen of flossing and regular dental checkups.) Toothpaste (similar to water) is one of the common ways of fluoride delivery for an average household. Many toothpastes share common ingredients. The average toothpaste is about 75umectant and water, 20% abrasive (silica or powdered calcium), 1-2 foaming and flavoring agents, 1-2 0x80ca210H buffers, 1-1.5oloring agents, binders and opacifiers, and 0.1-0.3 0.000000luoride. Most fluoride toothpastes contain stannous fluoride, sodium fluoride or monofluoride phosphate (MFP).(http://dentistry.about.com/health/dentisry/m.) So, wh y is fluoride so effective? ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Challenges Faced Rural Healthcare Facilities Health And Social Care Essay

Challenges Faced Rural Healthcare Facilities Health And Social Care Essay Twenty-five percent of the total population in the United States are living in rural areas and compared with urban Americans and healthcare facilities in rural areas generally serve low-income, the elderly, and individuals who are less informed and armed with less knowledge concerning health care prevention measures. Moreover, rural individuals accessing healthcare in rural facilities face barriers to healthcare such as fewer doctors, hospitals and health resources in generation and face difficulty in accessing health services. Statement of the problem   Hospital closures and other market changes have adversely affected rural areas, leaving State and Federal policymakers, and others concerned about access to health care in rural America. Considerable changes in the health care delivery system over the past decade have intensified the need for new approaches to health care in rural areas. Managed care organizations, for example, may not be developed easily in rural areas, partly be cause of low population density. Research Questions          The primary research question in this study is the question of whether rural health care facilities overcome the ongoing challenges to provide quality medical care to their communities. Rationale of the Research The rationale of this research is based upon the following facts: 1.) Rural Healthcare and Barriers to Accessing Care: Many small rural hospitals have closed, while other health care supply of primary care physicians and other health care provider facilities are in financial straits. Unavailability of resources and transportation problems are barriers to access for rural populations. 2.). The supply of primary care practitioners and other health care providers in rural areas is decreasing. Some are leaving rural areas to join managed care organizations elsewhere. 3.) Barriers to Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Goals for improving the Nation’s health over the next decade can be achieved only if rural populations are included in efforts to remove barriers to access and use of clinical preventive services. 4.) Barriers Related to Lack in Health Care Technology. Technologies including telemedicine offer promise of improved access to health care, but their most efficient and effective applications need further evaluation. 5.) Organizational Barriers of Service Provision to Vulnerable Rural Populations: Low population density in rural areas makes it inherently difficult to deliver services that target persons with special health needs. Groups at particular risk include: the elderly; the poor; people with HIV or AIDS; the homeless; mothers, children, and adolescents; racial or ethnic minorities; and persons with disabilities. 6.) Consumer choice and the rural hospital. Factors that drive changes in rural hospitals have a critical effect on consumer choice and access. Significance of the Study This study is significant in that individuals in rural areas are likely to continue to receive less healthcare as well as less effective healthcare if rural healthcare does not gain necessary knowledge, informed by research study as to what should be done to better deliver health care services to those in rural areas. This study is of significance to several groups including patients depending on rural healthcare services, the families of these patients, the rural communities at large and the insurance companies who provide insurance coverage for individuals in rural areas.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Awareness of Otherness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Awareness of Otherness - Essay Example It has become increasingly important for individuals to learn to interact with people belonging to culturally, socially and politically diverse backgrounds in order to become global citizens. Such interactions help in developing a broader mindset which is tolerant towards diversity. Interactions with people from diverse backgrounds help in our personal as well as professional lives, since it provides us an opportunity to learn about their different ideologies. A diverse society offers us an opportunity to interact with other people and connect with them. It helps us in understanding the social and cultural contexts to which they belong, and in the process contribute to our knowledge regarding different countries as well as their political, religious and cultural viewpoints. This leads to our overall cognitive development. Furthermore, such interactions help us in sharing of information and expanding our knowledge base and perspectives regarding different cultures. Also, the rise in s ocial networking has further expanded the scope for information exchange and blurred the geographical boundaries, thus enabling people from across the world to interact and communicate with each other. The era of globalization coupled with the internet boom has created an entirely new world, and has ushered in an era of global citizenship. It is of utmost significance, hence, for individuals to learn to interact and communicate with others in an effective manner in order to survive in this highly competitive and diverse world. Cross cultural interactions help us in learning about different cultures and encourages discussions - a phenomenon which is not likely to be experienced otherwise in a university or school setting. Learning about diversity through personal interactions helps us in becoming culturally tolerant and transforms us into respectful and responsible citizens. It helps in forming meaningful relationships with those around us, and offers interesting opportunities to lea rn about things which cannot be learnt through text books. Such knowledge gained through personal interactions with the people around us may further help us in our workplaces. Today, there are various multinational companies operating in different parts of the world, which are operated and managed by managers who are competent in interacting with and managing a culturally diverse workforce. Our experiences during the early part of our lives help in shaping our identities, which in turn pave way for our future growth. Managers and leaders of tomorrow need to be able to have a deep understanding of people and compassionate about the diversity around us. The fact that diversity enriches the social fabric of our societies has been reaffirmed over the years. However, such diversity also poses several unique challenges which in turn give rise to critical social issues such as racism and prejudice. As a part of a culturally diverse society, I strive to promote and support diversity and ref rain from activities that tend to fuel bias of any kind - be it social, racial, cultural, gender based and the likes. My experiences and interactions with people other than those belonging to the same social and cultural background as mine, have enriched me in more ways than one, and taught me to be tolerant towards those who are different. I use such experiences and apply them in my day-to-day life by behaving in a cordial manner with those around me, and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Too many americans are completely unconcerned with deing physically Essay

Too many americans are completely unconcerned with deing physically fit - Essay Example Most of the youths spend their leisure time in front of television, computer or in film theatres and hence they experiences immense shortage in physical activities. As per Peter D. Hart Research Associates survey conducted in 1993, â€Å"43% of all adults qualify as "Less Actives," (those who fail to engage in vigorous exercise even two times a week) irrespective of young, old and, better educated or less educated, A majority of the Less Actives are under age 45, and 46% have attended college.† Lack of physical activities may lead to many diseases. For example as per the evidences from the medical science literatures, most of the cardio vascular diseases, high blood pressure diabetics, etc directly linked with physical activities. American heart association urges people to engage in activities like â€Å"Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, aerobic dancing, walking or many other  activities can help your heart. According to the latest joint American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine guidelines on physical activity, all healthy The percentage of those who engage in some kind of physical activity is less than the percentage of those who engage in no physical activities as far as American people are concerned. Robert Longley (about.com) in his article, have you been working  out? has quoted a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which shows that â€Å"about 1 in 5 American adults engage in a high level of daily physical activity, while about 1 in 4 engage in little or no regular physical activity. â€Å" It is necessary to add physical activities compulsory to the curriculum. In olden days the children often gets enough time for the physical activities at school and college levels. But because of the excess topics in the modern curriculum, students are not getting enough time for physical works either at schools or at

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Db1 managing organizational change Research Paper

Db1 managing organizational change - Research Paper Example In order to maintain customer preference and ensure continued growth within the corporation, McDonald’s leadership introduced a business strategy based on maintaining the current customer and ensuring that these customers are able to get the preferred flavors and taste in all McDonald restaurants. This strategy saw the increase in the Company’s profits and sales. The company also introduced a new strategy that involved product development focusing on the entire market, which in turn increased the company’s market share, as many people preferred McDonald products (McDonald Corporation, 2013). This strategy focused on consistency of the company’s products via development of sophisticated supplier network operation and intensive distribution channel. By establishing a sophisticated supplier system and distribution channel, the firm has been in a position to attain product consistency and quality across the countries globally. As part of its planning process, the introduction of act like retailer or merchant imagine or think like brand motto helped the company to depend on conveying or delivering sales instantly and guarding brand name or status (McDonald Corporation, 2013). The service quality strategy involved acting like a retailer, but thinking like a brand illustrated the power of change and focus on service quality. Consequently, the franchise model ensured that the different units operated in a semi-autonomous way, which ensured that the brand is established in the international market. The focus of the organization is on the quality of the products and high level of service given to the customers. The use of the Barbie Toys with the happy meals repeatedly has ensured consistence and preference of the products by the consumers. These toys have become a useful segment for the collectors of both the McDonalds and Barbie toys (McDonald Corporation,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effects of Groupthink in an Organisation

Effects of Groupthink in an Organisation Introduction The paper aims to assess the relationship between groupthink and team performance. First, it will review the conceptualisations of groupthink to analyse the effects of groupthink in organisations, focusing how it is formed and its manifestation in organizational performance, especially in group decision making. Secondly, my study will explain whether or not groupthink affects organisational performance through an analysis of the existent theory by Irving. L. Janis and the empirical studies conducted to examine the groupthink and group performance link. Finally, my paper shows some recommendations which reduce negative impacts of groupthink in workplace. Within my study, I also will support ideas by giving implications about groupthink in organisations in the light of theory. In the past several decades, there has been a substantial increase in emphasis on organisation behaviour literature, focusing on group decision making (Branstatter et al, 1982; Kerr and Tindale, 2004). The utilisation of group decision making, conducted in different type of tasks, has been credited with various benefits including improved productivity and enhancement of the quality of work life (Troopman, 1980). However, many researchers also review a potential problem that occurs within groups and that can dramatically hinder group effectiveness from their performance. This disease can be referred to as ‘groupthink’, which is presented the first time in 1972 by Irving L. Janis. The main point of theory on which Janis has been suggested is that the poor decisions of group suffering from groupthink derive from a strong concurrence-seeking tendency that suppresses collective decision-making processes, and leads to fiascos (Janis, 1972). Based on his achievement, a large bo dy of research has shown a conscious awareness of the psychological phenomenon of groupthink as well as formulates some simple strategies to avoid it. A review of groupthink According to Janis (1972), groupthink is described as a â€Å"mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members’ striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative course of action† (1972, p.9). Based on this theory, it is suspected that groupthink occurs when group members’ motivation for unanimity and agreement such as consensus overrules their motivation to evaluate carefully benefits of decisions as well as expression of deviant or minority opinions (Janis, 1972; Robbins and Judge, 2013). Many studies have evidenced that groups and teams can develop a high level of cohesiveness which tends to result in better performance. However, a considerable disadvantage of highly cohesive groups is that their decision making ability can be drastically restricted by Janis’s groupthink hypothesis. Indeed, strong cohesive groups, where group members are friendly and respec tful of other’s opinions, can contribute to faulty decisions and a policy fiasco when such groups are immersed in poor decision making process under in-group pressures (Eaton, 2001). With the same view, in other words, Fincham and Rhodes (1999) argued that highly cohesive groups can create the pressures of conformity that reduce reflexivity, impeding members’ judgement and their ability to reach a correct decision. From this point, it is clearly seen that each member of a group finds it comfortable to be in agreement, following a positive part of the group, rather than to be an opposing force, even if this factor is potential to enhance the efficiency of the group’s decisions. This reveals a reality that individuals who have different opinions from that of the dominant majority have a tendency to withhold or modify their true feelings and beliefs, which leads to distort the decision making process (Robbins and Judge, 2013). In addition, Knights et al (2007) beli eved that groupthink can cause a disadvantage when learning activities stopped as any further development was largely stagnated by a consensus that was more based upon a withdrawal of respect than upon a useful critical insight to assessment of different information and alternative options. Therefore, when the group is attacked by groupthink, the problems are usually discussed and examined in an uncertain way, leaving many possible solutions and useful ideas (Knights et al, 2007). One of the clearest examples of groupthink which can be considered is the the explosion of the NASA Shuttle Challenger, 73 seconds after it launched in January 1986, killing seven astronauts. The disasters could have been easily prevented if the NASA team noticed the concerns from engineers on the readiness and safety of the Shuttle’s structure before it were launched (Moorhead et al, 1991). It could be concluded that groupthink impede the voices of members of the group who have their own opinions b ut are marginalised, and maintain an illusion of group unanimity, which may invalidate team performance and contribute in creating fiascos (Knights et al, 2007). In addition, many researchers studied that the effectiveness of directive leadership is also one of the factors related to groupthink (Flowers, 1977; Mullen et al, 1994). They claimed that directive leadership has a weak connection with information being considered by the group, the discouragement of dissent, fewer solutions being found and more self-censorship by members (Flowers, 1977; Leana, 1985; Moorhead and Montanari, 1986). Based on previous studies, Moorhead et al (1998) believed that individuals’ opinions may be prevented from group interaction if there appears a strong leadership and group members just only follow their leaders without sufficient critical evaluation. For example, if the leader of the group suggests unethical ideas, and the group cannot control the rules to prescribe ethical behaviour, poor decision may be shaped (Sims, 1992). Similarly, Huczynski and Buchanan (2013) concluded that if the group leaders consider their position from the beginning and ap pear to have a strong preference for a particular goal, the groups tend to support their leader’s idea and do not have a chance to suggest alternative information or solutions. Research on symptoms of groupthink Groupthink, in most of viewpoints, is considered as a threat of organization. Fortunately, Janis (1972, 1982) described eight symptoms categorised in three types of characteristics which were experienced from the fiascos and serve as the powerful tool for recognising the existence of groupthink. They are: overestimation of the group (illusion of invulnerability; belief in inherent morality), closed-mindedness (collective rationalisations, stereotyped images of out-groups), and pressure towards uniformity (self-censorship, illusion of unanimity, direct pressures on dissenters, self-appointed mindguards) (Janis, 1972; Hart, 1991). These symptoms, according to Janis (1972), are considered as a collection of a concurrence-seeking tendency that can fade group decision making process and lead to fiascos, and even disasters. In his research, concurrence-seeking plays a vital role in collective decision making process; but, it will become excessive when it occurs too early in a limited acces s. In addition, Hart (1991) pointed that the signal of excessive concurrence-seeking can be derived from the pressures toward uniformity, and concurrence-seeking takes places in the context of misguide policy from the other two types of characteristics. However, According to Choi and Kim (1999), not all symptoms of groupthink tend to be associated with the others. Their study evidenced that pressure on dissenters, collective rationalisations, and self-censorship tend to be positively associated with each other but negatively associated with the belief in the illusion of invulnerability, the group’s inherent morality, and the illusion of unanimity. From that point, they also suggested that groupthink symptoms reflect two different processes that may occur in collective decision making: the positive correlations between the illusions of invulnerability and unanimity with the belief in the group morality, contrary to the emergence of mindguards, self-censorship, pressure on diss enters, and stereotypes of outgroups. Similarly, Park (2000) examined symptoms of groupthink based on the groupthink model’s Janis and went to a conclusion that the symptom groupings tend to produce negative correlations across the divergent processes. This strengthens for the argument of Longley and Pruit (1980) that the symptoms of groupthink have a strong connection with defective decision making process which would qualify as high quality. How to avoid groupthink It is clearly seen that groupthink is an invisible barrier that causes negative effects on group decision making process and lead to serious consequences. However, Janis’s achievement on groupthink theory has paved the way for researchers finding methods to avoid this phenomenon. Macleod (2011) suggested that it is important for managers to foster group cohesiveness along with a shared sense of professional solidarity. At the same time, it is also important to create an impartial comfort zone in which each member of a group is encouraged to have an active voice in the exchange of ideas and in the evaluation of options. Moreover, relevant outside input should be welcomed as a means of providing diverse information and broadening the extent of collaboration. Conclusion In conclusion, a large body of research has examined the negative impacts of groupthink to organisation, focusing on group decision making. All of them are reviewed and examined meticulously from the Janis’s groupthink hypothesis, which claimed that groupthink is clearly seen as an enemy of creativity, bringing threats and major blunders (Simone, 2008). Indeed, groupthink leads to group decision making failures which come from the highly cohesive groups and the strong directive leadership (Flower, 1977; Leana, 1985; Hart, 1991). Developed from this point, before groupthink becomes a potential pitfall in group decision making, controlled attempts to understand its symptoms are not only desirable but highly necessary. If people can do that, the groupthink framework can be applied effectively to analyse defective decision processes and propose recommendations to avoid groupthink in work organisations. Therefore, it is necessary to have more research on the potential threats to ef fective group decision making caused by groupthink to get deeper insight into this phenomenon as well as improve the further ideas and continuous in-depth research for groups.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sexual Passion in The Turn of the Screw :: Turn of the Screw Essays

Sexual Passion  in  The Turn of the Screw   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a criticism on Henry James’s story The Turn of the Screw, Strother Purdy suggests that large amounts of sexual passion may be assumed to exist underneath the surface of the narrative. Purdy says that under a Freudian interpretation of the story, the sexual element is easily recognized and is used as the whole source of the action. According to this theory, the governess wishes to impress her master because she is in love with him and, therefore, exceeeding her authority with the children. Although the governess only sees her master twice, Purdy refers back to what Douglas had said,† it was the beauty of her passion.† Since the master is not impressed by her initial and ordinary course of governessing, she must make up some life-threatening danger to the children so she can rescue them and win the masters love and affection. She figures the danger must be terrible because he told her he did not want to be bothered with matters dealing with the children. He basica lly tells her he cares nothing for the children. Purdy suggests the governess is unconscious in doing this because she is sexually repressed and cannot admit her sexual motives to herself She believes she is actually protecting the children against an outside evil, which happens to coincide with her drive to demonstrate heroism and devotion to the master. According to Purdy, the governess conjures up ghosts because she invited them and willed them to come. Purdy feels the housekeeper plays her trump card and the governess' concern is not for the children but for all that would become of her, her bargain with the master, her relationship, and her passion for him. Purdy finds the following quotes to show her passion for the master and show that this serves as the motive of action. â€Å"She did not know- no one knew- how proud I had been to serve him and to stick to our terms.† â€Å"I set in motion the fine machinery to attract his attention to my slighted charms.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Communication Style Paper

AA Professor Course 6315 Feb 26, 2013 COMMUNICATION STYLES: ANALYSIS OF THE INTERACTION This paper analyzes a specific interaction. The purpose is to see how changing the communication style according to the subjects involved can have different outcomes. The topics covered in this paper are (1) Subjects Involved, (2) The Specific Interaction and Analysis, and (3) Conclusion. Subjects Involved The nature of the two subjects involved in the study makes the analysis interesting due to their opposite communication styles. Any miscommunication between the two can result in undesired outcomes.The following paragraphs describe the two subjects and their communication styles followed by the discussion of the particular interaction and its analysis. Subject 1: The Candidate â€Å"Sales Manager† The one thing that separates the Sales Manager, Brian, from everyone else in the office is his desire to be liked by everyone. Brian cannot handle rejection of any kind. He is the person to appr ove any changes in Sales recommendations to the investors. Convincing Brian to do anything other than what he wants is quite a task. Each time one is about to convince Brian, something magically appears that takes him away to a different task.Subject II: The Noble â€Å"Me† I am the second subject. Being a â€Å"Noble,† getting into long discussions over rather straight forward issues is difficult for me. Arguments are pretty simple for me. The solution is either this or that. I have a need to make a decision and move on to the next task with the least amount of time wasted. The Specific Interaction and Analysis Brian has been the Sales Manager for the last five years. The office environment is open and democratic. All important issues are discussed in weekly friday morning meetings.Agendas for monday morning sales meetings are finalized on friday along with the recommendations for different investment properties to be presented to the investors the following week. In the weekly discussions, Brian’s job is to listen to the recommendations of the Sales Team which is led by me. Every time, when we need to finalize the recommendation, the discussions get heated and Brian just changes the topic and starts discussing something else. Each week, we end up with an argument trying to convince each other of the investment pick of the week, without coming to an agreement.Every argument leads to Brian discussing a completely different topic. It became a real problem for the sales team, as we left the meeting without a clear understanding of to present to our investors in the coming week. Once I understood Brian’s communication style, I discussed our course of action with my team. Under no circumstances were we to start an argument. Our tone of voice was to remain calm and in control at all times. We offered our views as an alternative without trying to direct or control him. The discussions were longer than what I would have liked but the resul ts were ncouraging. After weeks of unclear outcomes, we were able to come up with clear investment recommendations for our sales team to present to our investors. Conclusion I learned that knowing the other person’s style of communication makes the communication process a little easier. I always knew about the differences among people but never gave it the required thought to help me communicate better. I now alter my communication style depending upon the person I am dealing with resulting in more effective communication.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Erikson’s Fifth Stage of Psychosocial Development Essay

As a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst, Erik Erikson crafted eight stages of human psychosocial development. The stage that has impacted my life the most is Identity versus Role Confusion, the fifth stage. This stage deals with adolescents twelve to eighteen years old. Erikson’s fifth stage prompts teens, like me, to ask ourselves who we want to be, what we want out of life, and what values and beliefs we live by. Erikson’s Fifth Stage of Psychosocial Development Erik Erikson was a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory of human psychosocial development (New World Encyclopedia, 2013). Erikson’s theory has eight stages. They span from birth to death. According to Gorrindo, Fishel, and Beresin (2012, pg. 282-283), â€Å"Erikson’s stages . . . describe challenges for the individual based on cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal/social issues.† Erikson’s model of psychosocial development consists of those eight stages, but each stage is characterized by a psychological â€Å"crisis† (New World Encyclopedia, 2013). The Encyclopedia has stated that â€Å"when the outcome of the crisis is favorable, the person achieves a certain virtue or strength; when it is unsuccessful, the person develops a maladaptive character and continues to struggle with this conflict later in life.† The theoretical stage that most impacted my development is Erikson’s fifth stage, Identity versus Role Confusion, which takes place in the adolescent years of twelve to eighteen. As described in Myers’ Psychology textbook (2010, pg. 201), the fifth stage addresses teenagers working at refining a sense of self by testing roles and then integrating them to form a single identity, or they become confused about who they are. Erikson’s fifth stage makes adolescents wonder, â€Å"Who am I as an individual? What do I want to do with my life? What values should I live by? What do I believe in?† Erikson called this quest the adolescent’s search  for identity. Identity versus Role Confusion is a very important stage because it helps you figure out who you are and what you will do in life. In this stage you form an identity or image of yourself, or you become confused about your role in society. Identity refers to the organization of the individual’s drives, abilities, beliefs, and history into a consistent image of self (Kasinath, 2013, pg. 1). According to the New World Encyclopedia (2013), Erikson’s search for his own personal identity led him to postulate the importance of personal identity in psychological growth. Erikson also believed that we continue to develop our personality, or identity, through adolescence and even throughout adulthood. Kasinath (2013, pg. 2) has suggested that â€Å"the components of identity that Erikson stressed are acceptance of one’s appearance, knowledge about where one is going, and recognition from others. Kasinath also states that â€Å"role confusion is most frequently caused by failure to formulate clear ideas about gender roles and by indecision about occupational choice.† So far, I have only been confused by what occupation I want to have. I have formed most parts of my identity, but because I am only fifteen years old, I am still continuing to create my sense of self. In this stage, childhood comes to an end. Cognitively, teenagers are able for the first time to consider abstract, existential questions (Gorrindo, Fishel, and Beresin, 2012, pg. 289). Gorrindo and his co-writers also stated that teenagers are thinking about the meaning of life, who their parents and family are, and who they wish to be when they leave home. Also stated by Gorrindo is, â€Å"preparation for separating from family and achieving independence is an important theme.† In relation to my life, these themes are reoccurring. I think about these statements and quotations every day. Erikson’s fifth stage, Identity versus Role Confusion, involves thinking about who you are as an individual and what you want to do with your life. I think about these aspects all the time. I wonder who I am, why I am here, and what I want to do. But because I am inquiring about this, it helps me dig deep and discover who I am. From the age of twelve to now (fifteen) I have changed my mind multiple times about my occupation choice. I wanted to be a lawyer, an FBI agent, and then a musician, and now finally a doctor. When I finally decided I wanted to be a doctor, it was because I realized who I was and that I wanted to help people. As suggested by Douvan (1997, pg. 16), â€Å" . . . the seach for meaning  and for fit, the hard work of building an identity that both satisfies an inner need for meaning and continuity and can find acceptance in one’s society.† Douvan also states that â€Å"it is hard for our current students to imagine that there was a time when identity struggle was not inscribed in adolescence. The search for an identity is ingrained in students’ minds since the first day a person asked you what you are like and what you want to be when you grow up. The fifth stage also involves questioning what values you should live by and what you believe in. I have formed so many of my values and beliefs in this stage of psychosocial development. My values shape who I am and make me want to be a doctor. My values also help me in friendships, relationships, and life situations. My beliefs help me form opinions and have a say in topics. Identity and values/beliefs go hand-in-hand. My identity leads to my beliefs and values, but my beliefs and values help shape my identity. In the adolescence, the students develop capabilities for abstract thinking and understanding the perspectives of others (Kasinath, 2013, pg. 1). As an adolescent, I have grown to be able to think critically and abstractly. I have also learned to listen to others and see things from their point of view. Erik Erikson’s fifth stage of psychosocial development, Identity versus Role Confusion, has most impacted my development. In this stage, the adolescents form a sense of self by testing roles and integrating them to form a single identity or they become confused about who they are. Erikson’s fifth stage makes adolescents wonder who we want to be, what we want out of life, and what values and beliefs we live by. References Douvan, E. (1997). Erik Erikson: Critical times, critical theory. Child psychiatry and human development, 28(1), 15-21. doi:10.1023/A:1025188901554 Gorrindo, T., Fishel, A., & Beresin, E. V. (2012). Understanding Technology Use Throughout Development: What Erik Erikson Would Say About Toddler Tweets and Facebook Friends. FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry, 10(3), 282. Kasinath. H. M. (2013). Adolescence: Search For An Identity. I-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 7(1), 1-6. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from http://search.proquest.com.portal.lib.fit.edu/docview/1476284556?pq-origsite=

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

European Miconceptions About The Indians Essays - Free Essays

European Miconceptions About The Indians Essays - Free Essays European Miconceptions About The Indians What types of Indian behavior, rituals and customs did Europeans typically misunderstand or mis interpret? What myths of Indian society resulted? After being isolated from Europe for so long it was only a matter of time before the two wolrds collided, the simpler world of the indians with the more advanced world of the europeans. Not only was the European world different but the Indian world was multifacted within itself. Out of the collision of these two worlds there was bound to be some misconceptions and misinterpretations. The europeans often misconstrued certain indian behaviors. The male indians were perceived to be lazy since the females tended the fields as well as the home while the males went hunting or fishing. Hunting and fishing to the europeans was a reacreational activity not a necessity for survival. It was customary for an Indian male to have arranged sexaul relations if his wife was pregnant or nursing. the europeans saw this as indulging in every kind of intemperance and wicked lust. The indians were seen as naive because they had no interest in amassing wealth, therefore the europeans concluded that the indians were childlike and not to be treated as equals. Indians were also seen as heathens because they worshipped a large number of gods. The indians believed in each being having a different level of manitou. Out of this belief many different rituals were born. To appease or woo powerful spiritual entities, individuals would pray and/or sacifice valuable items such as furs,food, or tobacco but when the entire community sought divine assistance to ensure successful hunts, good harvsets, or victories they called upon shamans. These rituals reinforced European beliefs that the indians were heathens. Many myths of indian society resulted from European misconceptions. These myths included but were not limited to: the indians being naive,blood thirsty sasvasges who indulged in every kind of wicked lust and performed strange rituals. the europeans unjustly labeled the indians because their way of life was different. European perceptions were based on life as they knew it and they felt that they way of life was the right way. Just because someone does something a different way doesn't mean it is wrong or of lesser value.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Interesting Facts About Metal Alloys

Interesting Facts About Metal Alloys Chances are you often encounter metal alloys in your everyday life in the form of jewelry, cookware, tools, and most other items made of metal. Examples of alloys include white gold, sterling silver, brass, bronze, and steel. Here are some interesting facts about metal alloys. Facts About Common Alloys An alloy is a blend of two or more metals. The blend can form a solid solution or can be a simple mixture, depending on the size of the crystals that form and how homogeneous the alloy is. Here are some distinctive alloys: Although sterling silver is an alloy consisting mainly of silver, many alloys with the word silver in their names are only silver in color. German silver and Tibetan silver are examples of alloys that have the name but dont contain any elemental silver.Many people believe steel is an alloy of iron and nickel, but it consists primarily of iron, carbon, and any of several other metals.Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, low levels of carbon, and chromium. The chromium gives the steel resistance to stain, or iron rust. A thin layer of chromium oxide forms on the surface of stainless steel, protecting it from oxygen, which is what causes rust. However, stainless steel can be stained if you expose it to a corrosive environment, such as seawater. That environment attacks and removes the protective chromium oxide coating more quickly than it can repair itself, exposing the iron to attack.Solder is an alloy used to bond metals to each other. Most solder is an alloy of lead and tin. Special solders exist for other applications. For example, silver solder is used in the manufacture of sterling silver jewelry. Fine silver or pure silver is not an alloy and will melt and join to itself. Brass is an alloy consisting primarily of copper and zinc. Bronze, on the other hand, is an alloy of copper with another metal, usually tin. Originally, brass and bronze were considered to be distinct alloys, but in modern usage, brass means any copper alloy. You might hear brass cited as a type of bronze or vice versa.Pewter is a tin alloy consisting of 85 to 99 percent tin with copper, antimony, bismuth, lead, and/or silver. Although lead is used much less often in modern pewter, even lead-free pewter typically contains a small amount of lead. Lead-free is defined as containing no more than 0.05 percent (500 ppm) lead, which remains appreciable if the pewter is used for cookware, dishes, or childrens jewelry. Facts About Special Alloys These alloys have interesting properties: Electrum is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver with small amounts of copper and other metals. Considered by the ancient Greeks to be white gold, it was used as far back as 3000 B.C. for coins, drinking vessels, and ornaments.Gold can exist in nature as a pure metal, but most of the gold you encounter is an alloy. The amount of gold in the alloy is expressed in terms of karats, so 24-karat gold is pure gold, 14-karat gold is 14/24 parts gold, and 10-karat gold is 10/24 parts gold or less than half gold. Any of several metals can be used for the remaining portion of the alloy.An amalgam is an alloy made by combining mercury with another metal. Almost all metals form amalgams, with the exception of iron. Amalgam is used in dentistry and in gold and silver mining because these metals readily combine with mercury.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bible Essay Example for Free

Bible Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA There are many accounts in the Bible that state God as the creator. Genesis 1 and 2 are both creation stories but slightly differ in their accounts; Genesis 1 is a day by day account of all the things God created in not so much detail whereas Genesis 2 explains the creation story in a way that focuses more on the creation of man and woman than just the lands. Having two accounts of the creation story means that it is easier to come up with your own conclusion as to how the earth was created. The first line of Genesis 1 is â€Å"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth† There is no explanation as to where God came from or why He is there, He just exists and creates the heavens and the earth. This alone is showing God as the creator. Genesis then carries on to state all the things God created all with no scientific or physical proof or evidence as to why and how God is doing so. â€Å"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them† This quote is from line 27 and is on the 6th day. The repetition of the word ‘created’ is enforcing to the reader that God is the creator of everything and this is done so that there is no doubt in the readers mind whether God is the creator or not. God creating man and woman in his own image is showing that we are superior to other beings such as animals which shows that God is the humans superior. Being made in Gods image is his way of blessing the humans in life as we are made in the ‘Creators’ image. â€Å"Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This quote is saying that God is passing down his ‘ruler ship’ on to the humans. This means that God is starting to ‘back away’ from his previous role and now feels that he has created a world that the inhabitants (humans) can look after. Genesis two is another creation story but has a few differences to Genesis 1. While Genesis 1 speaks a lot more of the specifics of how and when each part of the earth was made, Genesis 2 speaks a whole lot more about the creation of humans rather than the land. The most time that the creation of land is mentioned is at the beginning of Genesis 2. â€Å"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. When the LORD God made the earth and the heavens-â€Å" This is the first thing said in Genesis 2 and it is stating that God is the creator. It says that God created both the heavens and the earth; there is never any question or vagueness about God creating the heavens and the earth it is all very matter of fact. Although Genesis 2 doesn’t always speak of God ‘creating’ things it often personifies God in such a way that he is planting or making objects. â€Å"And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground-â€Å" This quote doesn’t say that God created the trees but made them grow from the ground, this is essentially saying that He created them as it was the first sighting of trees but is said in a different way as so not to force the ‘creation’ down your throat like Genesis 1 does. This is so that you can come to your own conclusion about which one is more plausible or correct but there is still no doubt as to god being the creator. Job 38 from the Book of Job is a story of how Satan and God have a disagreement where Satan was saying that Job only worships God because he is prosperous in his life, God then agrees to take away all his possessions and leave him with nothing to show Satan that Job would still worship him even if he was left with nothing. Job’s three friends Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar try to comfort Job but they end up doing the opposite and tell Job that the reason for all his losses is because he has sinned and now God is making him suffer. In the end Job has had enough and questions God, this makes God angry and then Job has a better understanding and realises that he should have trusted God all along. God then returns all of Jobs health and possession in better amounts than they previously were. This story is God showing his power and his superiority to humans. â€Å"Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? † This is God saying that he is mightier than any human and they do not compare to His power. This is also showing that God is omnipotent and that we know nothing compared to him. This is all enforcing that God is the creator and better than all the humans. â€Å"Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn it’s place,† This is saying that God has dominance over everything in the world, humans and nature. After Gods account of all his majestic works (such as the world and humans) and power, Job has to acknowledge God’s right as creator to do as he pleases and to not be questioned. Job is essentially the personification of all humans who do not believe god as the creator, Job doubted God and his ability so god became angry; this is supposedly what happens every time someone doubts God. Psalm 8 is a song about the lord God and his creation. â€Å"You have set your glory above the heavens† While this quote form the first verse isn’t directly linked to God being the creator it is saying that God has stated his glory in a way that so far in this psalm we do not know yet, we know that God has glory which could mean he has done something great. â€Å"When I consider the heavens, the work of your fingers† Now we start to work out what it is that causes God to have glory, â€Å"the work of your fingers† we are literally told that God has made the heavens with his ‘fingers’. This personification of God shows that people saw him as one of them but also appreciated his greater power, this could possibly relate to humans being made in God’s image. â€Å"you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings† This quote is, like Job 38, stating God’s dominance over the humans. God made humans a little lower than heavenly beings so that they knew their place and that they were lesser than himself ‘the creator’. Bible. (2018, Oct 23).